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28 yr old Christian jailed for murdering 70yr old

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Was that when your God took on the lease for the earth or was it the same God that the Christians believe created the world from scratch? If from scratch then I contend it began at the beginning and not when you choose recognise it in your arbitrary time line. Is this a suggestion that God is not perfect and makes mistakes which needed people sat on internet fora today to correct what God meant? Maybe God could do with a website of his/her own?


The old testament is not called that because it is part of another religion but an inherent part of Christianity of old. Any changes to suite sensibilities are recent and therefore an addition to the original.


Old means completed, done, finished. The propper name for the OT is "Tanaka."


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He didn't tell them not to do it; in fact he was happy for them to stone her to death, provided only that they were not being hypocritical in the act.


He knew what they were like and what the outcome would be.


So how do you square stoning with the teaching not to kill?

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Aaaah but Muzlems do it every day tho' he wasn't a real Christian so doesn't count or better still refuse to believe it:hihi: A very tragic death indeed but wouldn't call all christians as barbaric backward stone religion following morons though. But, if this had been a Muslim who committed the murder then we would have many posts saying just that about Muslims no doubt.


I've just phoned round all the muslims I know


none of them have ever stoned anyone (gay straight other) to death let alone are doing it every day.


phew! that means instead of an outbreak of homophobic slaughter it's just another sad racist on SF. thank god

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I've just phoned round all the muslims I know

none of them have ever stoned anyone (gay straight other) to death let alone are doing it every day.


phew! that means instead of an outbreak of homophobic slaughter it's just another sad racist on SF. thank god


I dont believe for one second you even know any.

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what a WEIRD thing to say!! in my defence ladies and gentleman of the SF jury I offer the following -


1. I live in one of sheffield's most muslim areas, my neighbours are predominantly muslim, the shopkeepers are muslim, the folk walking down the st are largely muslims - I am not the kind of person who thinks 'ooh er - a muslim who is a gay stoning, terrorist' I am more the kind of pinko liberal who says ' eh up mrs bi, how are you love' -


2. I work in the NHS which would fall apart without the employment of our fellow citizens from muslim backgrounds.


ladies and gentlemen (and small minded racists who can't believe white and brOwn people can even know each other never mind be friends and positively enjoy each other's company) I REST MY CASE.

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So when Jesus stopped the Jews stoning the woman caught in adultery he was following Old Testament law!!


We've had this debate on another thread. Jesus wasn't against the stoning per se, he was against the hypocrisy of people with sin judging others.

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We've had this debate on another thread. Jesus wasn't against the stoning per se, he was against the hypocrisy of people with sin judging others.


Then you need to show me the thread.


Yes Jesus was against hypocrisy, he also said not to take vengeance, he even did away with the OT law of an eye for an eye and said to turn the other cheek, and he taught forgiveness like he did on the cross, plus as I already said killing i.e. stoning is out.


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