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28 yr old Christian jailed for murdering 70yr old

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Christianity dates from around AD 29.


really? the term dates from a bit later, more the 2nd half of the first century.


The first followers and converts to the teachings of Jesus Christ were originally called "Followers of the way".


Christian was never a term assigned by Jesus PBUH.

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really? the term dates from a bit later, more the 2nd half of the first century.


The first followers and converts to the teachings of Jesus Christ were originally called "Followers of the way".


Christian was never a term assigned by Jesus PBUH.


That can't be true - Grahame said so:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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erm, actually, that's not quite true.


the "Fear of the LORD", as *I* understand it, is an awe and reverence for God, in understanding who He is, as creator and sustainer.


Not a trembling and terror:- You do not elicit trembling and terror from the person you love, and who loves you.


Awe and reverence is correct but I'm not sure if that translates to fear?


For the past few days we have been talking about false gods as well and people seem to have been in fear and trembling of these false gods, for example in order to appease their gods they offered human sacrifice and if they did that I suggest they must have been in real fear of these graven images?


Abraham came from a culture where people offered human sacrifice and the lesson to him was that this is not what GOD wanted.


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Awe and reverence is correct but I'm not sure if that translates to fear?


For the past few days we have been talking about false gods as well and people seem to have been in fear and trembling of these false gods, for example in order to appease their gods they offered human sacrifice and if they did that I suggest they must have been in real fear of these graven images?


Abraham came from a culture where people offered human sacrifice and the lesson to him was that this is not what GOD wanted.


Yes and none of it including mine is on topic and Grahame is not reading the threads he is answering

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