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28 yr old Christian jailed for murdering 70yr old

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Oh dear, then I'm doomed! Dooooomed, I tell ye!!! Tried being straight today - nope didn't work. Fell at the first hurdle when my goregeous Postie knocked on the door. So if I have sinned, it sure felt like Heaven to me... ;)

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Can we stick to the topic please


This is the topic - gay, at the end of the day and nothing will change that and if I didn't have a sense of humour to go with the terrain, I would have given up long ago.


End of the day, this gentleman is not getting his life back and has had it taken by a coward in such a vile way. Hearing stories like this makes myself feel uneasy about going out and being who I am - but why should I be anything else but me?

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The word he used in Greek means grave.


"Jesus" didn't speak Greek, he spoke Hebrew.


For the past few days we have been talking about false gods.


No. You've diverted the thread that way (even after prompting to try to get the thread back on topic).


The New Testament is in Greek


So there are no Hebrew/Roman texts from the same time?

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