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ok, cite number 1..


The date of Mark's Gospel: insight from the law in earliest Christianity

By James G. Crossley (2004)


You said about Matthew and you give Mark that was written before the destruction of the Temple in AD70.


<< Mark 13 >>

"And as he went out of the temple, one of his disciples saith unto him, Master, see what manner of stones and what buildings are here! And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down."


3And as he sat upon the mount of Olives over against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately, 4Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled? 5And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you:


Very appropriate.


Now, how about Matthew who was another disciple of Jesus.


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Why, what have you done with him?

Saying things like this makes him look silly and I think he has begun to realise it. It is about time you took stock of yourself as well.


Again, what language are the "original gospels" written in, 'cause they certainly aren't written in Greek.


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Saying things like this makes him look silly and I think he has begun to realise it. It is about time you took stock of yourself as well.


You ought to take your own advice once in a while.


Are you implying that Grahame might be a 'Closet Greek'???:o

You quoted the above and responded with this:

He won't be coming back.

So I asked, quite reasonably:

Why, what have you done with him?


I suggest you start making sense or stop telling people to take stock of themselves.

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Are you implying that Grahame might be a 'Closet Greek'???:o


Nope. Just that his sources may be wrong.


He won't be coming back.


No, it's you that runs away when faced with difficult questions... There goes the doorbell.


Saying things like this makes him look silly and I think he has begun to realise it.


So all the "disciples of jesus" spoke and wrote Greek, even though the rest of the world was using Latin?

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It's just a metaphor, and has seeped into our language thanks to the hundreds of years of religion. It doesn't really mean anything. Humans aren't very ogininal when it comes to speech, almost all of us rely on cliches all the time, that's all this is, it doesn't mean anything.


I sometimes say 'oh my god' when I'm shocked, I sometimes say 'by odin's beard', they don't mean anything, except that I'm shocked.


:hihi: How many ppl do you know other than yourself say 'Odin's beard' (Thor not included)..


I also wonder that when non believers claim God is imaginary like tooth fairy/unicorns or flying spaghetti monster ...again, how many ppl do you know actually believe in these- or have had their life enhanced by these?


I never heard anyone say 'Oh my Unicorn'....or 'Oh for tooth fairy's sake' etc...just does not happen.


And also, 'Profit' Dawkins knows he would never have got as rich using these other examples when trying to rule out God.


May be we are pre-wired to believe in God. Simple. It don't think it can be rejected.

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May be we are pre-wired to believe in God. Simple. It don't think it can be rejected.


Epic LOLs


You think that if a child grew up in isolation, with no outside influence to tell him/her about religions, that he/she would automatically believe in one anyway?


If we are pre-wired to believe in a god, how come there are many who don't? Is it a wiring problem?

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