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28 yr old Christian jailed for murdering 70yr old

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I'll try again - is there a passage or passages in the bible which tells people to stone gay people to death? yes or no


Also murder may be illegal as you rightly said but being gay in this country is not and this is accepted by the churches, do you think you are above the law and the church in condemning gay people?

Not in the Christian Bible no.


I don't condemn gay people heterosexuals are just as bad.

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I don't condemn gay people heterosexuals are just as bad.


Lol, you don't understand what you're saying do you? In that sentence, you say you don't condemn gay people, you then proceed to condemn them as being bad.

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I'll paraphrase what you said. So what you trying to say is that straight people can be as bad as gay people?


He really won't understand what you're trying to point out to him, it's the same when he talks about "The Jews".


It's got me thinking though, when someone doesn't realise that what they're saying is offensive (no matter how much you try to explain it to them) are they a bigot? If they do not INTENT to offend?

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People just say they are Christians probably because they live in a Christian country. Muslims call westerners Christians and as you know not many are.


I don't anyone who says they are a christian. No matter where they live. Other than the few I've met in text on here.

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He really won't understand what you're trying to point out to him, it's the same when he talks about "The Jews".


It's got me thinking though, when someone doesn't realise that what they're saying is offensive (no matter how much you try to explain it to them) are they a bigot? If they do not INTENT to offend?


Maybe the counter argument may be, is someone really a bigot if they only say something to offend, and they don't really hold those views?


For me it's the link between ignorance and bigotry that's important, I genuinely believe that as a rule humans aren't bad people, and it's ignorance that leads to bigotry and intolerance.

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