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After Japan's problems should we have new nuclear power stations in the UK?

New nuclear power stations in the UK?  

90 members have voted

  1. 1. New nuclear power stations in the UK?

    • Yes. I don't see what all the fuss is about.
    • Yes. We have no choice.
    • Ok. But not in my backyard.
    • No. Thanks.
    • No. Are you crazy?!

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That's not what it says here. Funny what we think we know and what the reality really is





Wind turbine in Sheffield broken by wind for second time

A blade on a wind turbine in Sheffield has broken in strong winds for the second time in 15 months.

7:00AM BST 10 Oct 2009

Manufacturers of the 190ft high turbine, one of three owned by Sheffield University, are now investigating the damage at the site close to the city's Parkway link road to the M1.


A blade on the same turbine was broken 15 months ago and residents who live close to the site at Catcliffe, near Rotherham, have expressed fears that they could pose a danger to local people.


Martin Oldfield said : "I'm worried about them from a safety point of view as they are quite close to the road and a supermarket where a lot of people go.


"There are workmen up there now starting work on repairing it but now that it's happened a second time clearly there is a serious issue.


"There was one bright side - as soon as the blade snapped off the TV signal instantly improved and I could see all my programmes properly again."


A Sheffield University spokeswoman said : "It is not clear why this happened and an investigation is being carried out by the wind turbine manufacturers.


"We are clearly concerned and have requested that the wind turbines are not put back into service until the suppliers and independent consultants have carried out their investigations and can confirm the safety of the equipment."



They are experimental though, so seeing them not running, or with blades removed doesn't mean that they've broken off.




Or I may well be remembering this, in which case, I might be completely mistaken.

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I've not heard anything before to suggest that they were experimental other than the posting of someone on here who claims to know everything.

The turbines were errected to supply power to a high tech complex with supposed green credentials.


It would seem foolhardy indeed to site an experimental turbine in a highly populated business park if you thought there was any danger of the blades flying off. You would be even more foolhardy to refit more experimental blades and let them fly fail again.


They've never 'flown' off though have they.

The incidents you're talking about occurred in high winds when the turbines were locked down, it looks like you're correct and they broke, but they didn't fly off whilst rotating!

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I have yet to fathom the reasons that the green lobby have - mainly because I cannot get inside the mind of people with such a ludicroous and deluded view of science and engineering as these people have.


Well it sounds like governments around the world have listened and decided not to bury it.


Nice idea trying to blame the 'green lobby' for the dangers of nuclear power!!!

I don't think it will work though...and name-calling instead of answering the question, I think that's normally an admission of failure...

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Well it sounds like governments around the world have listened and decided not to bury it.


Nice idea trying to blame the 'green lobby' for the dangers of nuclear power!!!

I don't think it will work though...and name-calling instead of answering the question, I think that's normally an admission of failure...


Firstly I was not blaming the green lobby for the dangers of nuclear power. I will blame them for the dangers in forcing government to keep waste above ground, rather than burying it in a safer and more secure geological repository.


As for name calling, speaking the truth is not name calling. In debates I have had the green lobby has shown a woeful ignorance of basic science and engineering. It's not name calling to point out that someone is unable to make a cogent and coherent argument when they have no understanding at all of the foundations on which the argument is resting.

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