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After Japan's problems should we have new nuclear power stations in the UK?

New nuclear power stations in the UK?  

90 members have voted

  1. 1. New nuclear power stations in the UK?

    • Yes. I don't see what all the fuss is about.
    • Yes. We have no choice.
    • Ok. But not in my backyard.
    • No. Thanks.
    • No. Are you crazy?!

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1. Which is why you don't get any - you have a closed narrowminded position and I'm not going to waste time digging up numbers for you to dismiss them as dubious without even seeing them.


2. I pity your confusion. It must be awful being esily confused like that


3. You appear to have a habit of missing them off so it's tricky to say. If it was an answer though it makes even less sense. Again I'm sorry you are easily confused. Since you are and since you clearly won't, or are unable to debate in an open manner I think it best ended here.


So it's back to the name calling then.:rolleyes: It's a shame that you haven't managed to disprove any of the 'green lobby' arguements!

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some of the newer plant designs - the so called Generation 4 nuclear have a totally closed fuel cycle which means that they breed their own fuel and also react the entire waste stream - not just the uranium. Since all processing is on site there is no proliferation issues and any diverted "live" fuel is so problematical to handle that it is essentially impossible to process covertly.


Best of all is the raw fuel requirement - after an initial fuelling of plutonium and natural uranium a years refulling is about milk crate full of depeleted uranium.


You talk about the Generation 4 reactors as if they exist, but they don't do they?

Judging by the past millions and millions will be spent on developing them and then they will be quietly forgotten just like the nuclear fusion reactors of old.

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You talk about the Generation 4 reactors as if they exist, but they don't do they?

Judging by the past millions and millions will be spent on developing them and then they will be quietly forgotten just like the nuclear fusion reactors of old.


What's the subsidy on each wind turbine? Why am I charged more for "Green" energy if I select it from my supplier..after all ther's no fuel to burn or clean up...

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What's the subsidy on each wind turbine? Why am I charged more for "Green" energy if I select it from my supplier..after all ther's no fuel to burn or clean up...


Also, what percentage of our needs does wind power actually provide, what is the cost per Mw?


Good to see call me Dave is reducing the FIT on commercial scale solar generated power by 70%.


We need Nuclear; we need it now; we need lots of it.

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What's the subsidy on each wind turbine? Why am I charged more for "Green" energy if I select it from my supplier..after all ther's no fuel to burn or clean up...


It is necessary to subsidise wind energy and other renewables to develop the industry quickly.

The difference with nuclear power is that, renewable subsidies will reduce over time, whereas the nuclear subsidy will continue effectively for ever.

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You talk about the Generation 4 reactors as if they exist, but they don't do they?

Judging by the past millions and millions will be spent on developing them and then they will be quietly forgotten just like the nuclear fusion reactors of old.


I must have imagined the one that I had a small part in building then.


Now since all you can do it promulgate lies and abuse, I'll leave myself to correcting your more egregrious errors.

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What's the subsidy on each wind turbine? Why am I charged more for "Green" energy if I select it from my supplier..after all ther's no fuel to burn or clean up...


It is necessary to subsidise wind energy and other renewables to develop the industry quickly.

The difference with nuclear power is that, renewable subsidies will reduce over time, whereas the nuclear subsidy will continue effectively for ever.




Why do we need to develop it quickly?


Is it because successive governments have neglected our power generation infrastructure?


Is it because 'we're all going to die' from global wombling?



Even that green acolyte Moonbat realises we need nuclear. Wind will just not cut it. It isn't reliable (and it's too expensive using pumped storage).

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You talk about the Generation 4 reactors as if they exist, but they don't do they?

Judging by the past millions and millions will be spent on developing them and then they will be quietly forgotten just like the nuclear fusion reactors of old.


What are you saying here, we had fusion reactors but stopped developing them? Or that research into fusion reactors has ended.


Either way it's incorrect, research continues, with more money today than ever before.

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