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Does God owe his fallen angel an explanation?

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The very very last thing I would want is for anyone to believe exactly what I believe (although the world may very well be a nicer place for it).


But I realise - after the last post - that if offering advice and help is the same as imposing your views, then that's not a conversation that will make much positive headway.


Kaimani is right in everything said above ^^

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it's a strange thing to say-on a forum- that i believe this, or don't believe that and expect no comment, questions or rebuttals. by it's very nature, that's what a forum is for.

otherwise the best thing to do is to find one populated by a uniform group of people with exactly the same views as yours.


if anyone doesn't want their beliefs questioned, examined or even rebuffed then don't mention them to a mixed group of people on a forum.

and, i think, questioning etc what people say or believe is not the same as trying to impose what you believe on them.


It works two ways you know, so what's the problem?

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what works two ways? and what problem do you presume there is, G?


Who starts all the religious threads? It isn't me.


Why do people start religious threads. They do it to have a go at religion.


This means there are dozens of people attacking religion with gusto who seem to delight in what they are doing which amounts to gang bullying.


However woe-betide anyone who stands up to them, even if it is only one person against dozens.


Can you not see how one sided it is? And if people don't like it, try to imagine how the person they are attacking feels.


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Who starts all the religious threads? It isn't me.


Why do people start religious threads. They do it to have a go at religion.


This means there are dozens of people attacking religion with gusto who seem to delight in what they are doing which amounts to gang bullying.


However woe-betide anyone who stands up to them, even if it is only one person against dozens.


Can you not see how one sided it is? And if people don't like it, try to imagine how the person they are attacking feels.

What are your feelings towards homophobia Grahame? Do you consider it bullying or not?
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Who starts all the religious threads? It isn't me.


Why do people start religious threads. They do it to have a go at religion.


This means there are dozens of people attacking religion with gusto who seem to delight in what they are doing which amounts to gang bullying.


However woe-betide anyone who stands up to them, even if it is only one person against dozens.


Can you not see how one sided it is? And if people don't like it, try to imagine how the person they are attacking feels.


my comment was to everyone. not you or anyone specifically.

as for 'having a go', again, it's a public forum- people can have a go at everything form chavs, weather, pot holes MPs, religion etc as long as they abide by the rules.


This means there are dozens of people attacking religion with gusto who seem to delight in what they are doing which amounts to gang bullying.


people are not ganging up on you. just so happens there are a lot more people who don't believe in(in your case Christianity, which is not the same as religion) religion so you end up in the minority. people can't change views simply to even the numbers. snide remarks and personal insults I'm not a fan of.


try this, G- post on other threads that have nothing to do with religion, like most people do, and don't mention anything to do with Jesus or god. you'll soon find you have a lot more in common with a lot of people than you think. and you'll find no one is picking on you, they just don't believe what you believe--some find it illogical, some funny, some are still finding their way, some believe other things etc.

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What are your feelings towards homophobia Grahame? Do you consider it bullying or not?


Starting a thread about gay people is the same as starting a thread about religion. People are going to respond to it. So why do they do it, it seem like they bring it on themselves?


I could expect flack if I started religious threads but I don't, so why do gay people keep putting themselves in the firing line?


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my comment was to everyone. not you or anyone specifically.

as for 'having a go', again, it's a public forum- people can have a go at everything form chavs, weather, pot holes MPs, religion etc as long as they abide by the rules.


This means there are dozens of people attacking religion with gusto who seem to delight in what they are doing which amounts to gang bullying.


people are not ganging up on you. just so happens there are a lot more people who don't believe in(in your case Christianity, which is not the same as religion) religion so you end up in the minority. people can't change views simply to even the numbers. snide remarks and personal insults I'm not a fan of.


try this, G- post on other threads that have nothing to do with religion, like most people do, and don't mention anything to do with Jesus or god. you'll soon find you have a lot more in common with a lot of people than you think. and you'll find no one is picking on you, they just don't believe what you believe--some find it illogical, some funny, some are still finding their way, some believe other things etc.


How about people don't start religious threads in order to attack religion!


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