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Does God owe his fallen angel an explanation?

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Actually If you look into it you may find Modern Satanism is nothing like Satanism as we think. There's no worshipping anyone or sacrifices or anything macabre or sinister at al


A crushing disappointment that was as well. No sacrificing virgins in a graveyard at midnight, no hedonistic orgies, no drinking the blood of goats.


I never bothered paying my subs after the first year.

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The symbolism of good versus evil goes back a lot further than Christianity, or any of the other Abrahamic religions. Sumerian and Mesopotamian myths deal in very similar themes. But always culminate in the resolution of this polarity. Our ideas about "god" are just a bit naive really aren’t they?


Sin itself is a red herring, since the only way people truly learn is by making mistakes. And free will itself is incompatible with the idea that choosing the "wrong thing" dams someone to "hell". Buddhism recognises that making mistakes is a part of life and learning, and that if you force people or threaten them into obedience, all you accomplish is the creation of oppressed people who oppress others, and call it spirituality. Or people who "mouth" the words, and don't feel their meaning because they are too scared they will "do it wrong" to experience the true emotions, and therefore the enlightenment which is their fulfilment.


Being spiritual isn’t about feigning perfection. It is about being really real. Even when that means being angry and destructive. It is better to be authentically human than to be artificially “divine”. At least you then have a shot at meeting what people call "God".

I find your views on spiritually quite interesting Rowan.


So what are your thoughts on the 'Heaven and Hell' concept? would you say we make our own Heaven or Hell here on earth? Would you say that this is what the Bible is refering to? Or would you say that if a Heaven or Hell were to exist then it would be a place where our consciousness went to. What are your thoughts on the Heaven and Hell concept?

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Well I'm quite against satanism for many reasons but, that aside...


Think of it like this...someone does something to hurt you, and you didn't deserve it, you are angry, and so you want to hit back.


What happens?


Now I've answered this bit, care to share why you're against satanism?

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I find your views on spiritually quite interesting Rowan.


So what are your thoughts on the 'Heaven and Hell' concept? would you say we make our own Heaven or Hell here on earth? Would you say that this is what the Bible is refering to? Or would you say that if a Heaven or Hell were to exist then it would be a place where our consciousness went to. What are your thoughts on the Heaven and Hell concept?


Thanks. I think like much of religious theology, heaven and hell are metaphors. Not only for states of consciousness but because religion includes ideas of universal causality a process and a destination. A way of being. In fact I believe that the religions of the book create a self fulfilling prophecy. A division of mind and body, which results in a war being fought between thought and emotion. We are still resolving this dissociation.


The real spiritual state of a human being is the complete and total integration of mind and body. A synthesis of thinking and feeling. Since we are in reality not divided, our concepts of whom and what we are are reliant on our acceptance and integration to avoid cognitive and emotional dissonance.


Sexuality being a good example. It is totally natural for us to express our sexuality in the way we feel most comfortable with. Yet religious ideas of sin have condemned vast numbers of people to misery.

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Thanks. I think like much of religious theology, heaven and hell are metaphors. Not only for states of consciousness but because religion includes ideas of universal causality a process and a destination. A way of being. In fact I believe that the religions of the book create a self fulfilling prophecy. A division of mind and body, which results in a war being fought between thought and emotion. We are still resolving this dissociation.


The real spiritual state of a human being is the complete and total integration of mind and body. A synthesis of thinking and feeling. Since we are in reality not divided, our concepts of whom and what we are are reliant on our acceptance and integration to avoid cognitive and emotional dissonance.


Sexuality being a good example. It is totally natural for us to express our sexuality in the way we feel most comfortable with. Yet religious ideas of sin have condemned vast numbers of people to misery.


It doesn't stop people indulging in all sorts of fetishes and there are things like swingers clubs, massage parlours, dogging and goodness knows what else goes off in the night clubs and gay bars, and you tell me people don't do it because of religion! What utter rubbish.


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It doesn't stop people indulging in all sorts of fetishes and there are things like swingers clubs, massage parlours, dogging and goodness knows what else goes off in the night clubs and gay bars.
Everyone involved are consenting adults Grahame. We can't say the same for some institutions can we.
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It doesn't stop people indulging in all sorts of fetishes and there are things like swingers clubs, massage parlours, dogging and goodness knows what else goes off in the night clubs and gay bars, and you tell me people don't do it because of religion! What utter rubbish.


If you find that kind of thing not for you I suggest you don’t do it. No one is forcing you to take part. Religion on the other hand constantly tries to impose its standards on those who feel it is for them.


Trying to force people’s choice is against free will. And since to violate free will violates the most fundamental tenet of all spiritual progress your insistence brings about its opposite. If someone wants to slather themselves in peanut butter and roll around naked while boning whoever that is where they are. I would find it silly and a bit empty personally but vive la difference I say.


They may do this for a while and tire of it. And learn from the heart that it isn't for them. In this case a real spiritual movement has taken place volitionally, not extrinsically at the authority of some mediator.


People may go dogging, and love the experience. Some will go and feel it is empty and demeaning. You don’t unite man/woman with the "holy spirit" by the imposition of rules of conduct. You get tightly wrapped hypocrites whose repressed feeling causes them to be cruel and judgemental.

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