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People complaining about..

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Just a quick rant about people who complain they can't afford things, and criticise people who can... People work these days to support their children and families, and work very hard to do this. Some only earn a little but work all the hours god sends. Why do some people moan about not having money saying they can't afford this and that, yet they're perfectly capable of finding a job (talking specifically about someone here with loads of post degree level qualifications) yet they, in their own words 'can't be bothered!'. It annoys me how everyone else has to pay for them, when they are benefit frauds anyhow.... Stop complaining, get a job (I know these days it can be hard - but try and get a job, without the attitude of 'can't be bothered').


Does anyone else get annoyed by this?!


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Some of you are missing the point. The whole point of my thread was showing my annoyance that certain people complain about others having nice house, living in nice areas, with nice things, and can afford this that and the other, YET they are too lazy (they admit it) to work...and just claim benefits for doing nothing...


If they spent less time being jealous and annoyed at other people's successes, and more time realising that they could work hard and earn a living, then things would be easier for them.

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Some of you are missing the point. The whole point of my thread was showing my annoyance that certain people complain about others having nice house, living in nice areas, with nice things, and can afford this that and the other, YET they are too lazy (they admit it) to work...and just claim benefits for doing nothing...


If they spent less time being jealous and annoyed at other people's successes, and more time realising that they could work hard and earn a living, then things would be easier for them.


Personally I've never been jealous of anyone in my entire life. I do not want to be like other people; that would not be good enough.


If you want a nice house in a nice area with nice things, all that will cost money. You are very unlikely to get those things by being employed by someone else. People cannot make money unless they set up their own businesses and if they do that the chances are that they are not being totally honest about making their money, whether it's cooking the books or offshore accounts or whatever. They are all at it.


If I ran a business, I would do everything in my power to put competitors out of business and I would expect my competitors to do the same, so their seems little point.

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Some of you are missing the point. The whole point of my thread was showing my annoyance that certain people complain about others having nice house, living in nice areas, with nice things, and can afford this that and the other, YET they are too lazy (they admit it) to work...and just claim benefits for doing nothing...


If they spent less time being jealous and annoyed at other people's successes, and more time realising that they could work hard and earn a living, then things would be easier for them.


I do see your point it does come across a fair bit on here and in general day to day life that people do have a chip on their shoulder. They will also make assumptions that because you live in a certain postcode you are minted which in some cases is very far from the truth.

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