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Help for a friend

Closet Guy.

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lol yes im female, but with the disasters ive had with internet dating not so sure its a good place


Fair enough.

Well all i can say is hes a decent, hardworking fella, fun to be around i dare i say one of the few remaining gents i know.

On a personal note i think hes quite good looking too, but if you meet him dont tell him i said that.


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I had a fab experience with it, and it wasn't even intentional, just a shame he lived 200 miles away and after a couple of years, it got boring :hihi:


Lots of people do, ive a couple of friends who met their partners that way, one even married her. So it does work, its just a small number of people who use the sites who spoil it for people who are on there to meet a partner.


There seems to be many a man just out for what he can get who enjoy stringing people along and I imagine theres plenty of women who are doing the same.

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