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PC Yvonne Fletcher - ITV Now - Coincidence?

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It is a conclusion i have reached from reading and listening to various news programs. I may be wrong but to be honest i don't think we Brits have the appetite for another war, especially when we are facing cutbacks and high unemployment coupled with high inflation and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I think uneasy may have been a more appropiate word to use instead of unhappy.

How long will it last?

Will it result in an invasion?

If Gaddaffi's regime falls, what will replace it?



Media rules, as people are too thick to think for themselves. The media are pushing for war, possibly politically influenced, and are now trying to influence public opinion to supporting military action.

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How do you mean 'abuse'?

What abuse?

They abused diplomatic immunity by shooting from the embassy and then had the cheek to claim diplomatic to get the murderer out of the UK.

Iranians illegaly entered the US embassy in Iran and took the staff prisoner.


Two classic examples of totaly unique examples of diplomatic abuse.

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In the last year, russia, spain, us, the US (off the top of my head) have all been involved in diplomatic abuse.

How many have actualy invaded and taken over another states embassy and held the staff prisoner?

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Is it a coincidence that ITV are now showing a programme about the death of PC Yvonne Fletcher, shot outside the Libyan Embassy?


I feel the same about this too, but it would mean there being a connection between the bosses of the broadcasting media and the powers that be in the government and military, which, officially at least, isn't there, and to suggest otherwise leaves you open to being a tin foil hat wearer.

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I think it is propaganda to soften the mood of the British public, the majority of whom are unhappy at our decision to be involved.




Mr Mafya - where do you get your information that the majority of Brits are unhappy at our decision to be involved in Libya?



sky news released some figures from a poll this morning about the uk's involvement in libya 44% were for it, 33% against it, with the remaining 23% undecided/unsure what to make of it
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I feel the same about this too, but it would mean there being a connection between the bosses of the broadcasting media and the powers that be in the government and military, which, officially at least, isn't there, and to suggest otherwise leaves you open to being a tin foil hat wearer.


:hihi::hihi:A tin foil hat wearer that also watched the BBC Ghadafi programme, later yesterday evening. Now that's a double whammy of a coincidence, isn't it?:hihi:

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I'm rooting for the Libyan people to remove Gaddafi and assert themselves. I spent three years working there from 1998 to 2001 so the place names and pictures on the news mean something to me. It was impossible to get a Libyan to open up to you and say what they thought of Gaddafi if there was another Libyan in the room as neither could be sure the other wasn't a spy. But get them on their own and they would let rip. Gaddafi was hated by his own people.
Pretty much echoes with my experience. I was there briefly in the late 80s, with a French (:o) company sub-contracted to build pre-fab farms sold to Khaddafi by a US (:o) company.


I vividly remember the 'minder' at the time clearly (very clearly) telling us not to go downtown at the week-end, as the State Police were a bit 'unpredictable in their ways' and we might well wind up in jail for the crime of not being subservient Libyans, and languish in there a tad too long for comfort :D

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Some people have short memory's or do not know of what happened at the time,

its letting us know what an evil man Gaddafi is, no doubt more of our people will have to die for it know we have got involve again,I dont want any of our men to die for oil, because that is all it is about in the end, also remember Lockaby that was another evil deed perpetrated by Gaddafi,

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I have just started a thread about the same thing but posted it 1 minute after your's.

Its blatent propaganda.


No, it's low-cost TV.


They probably had the tape of the programme in their archives gathering dust.


It doesn't cost much to blow the dust off the can, and show the programme again.


I bet they show new adverts (and charge for them) during the breaks in the programme, though.

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