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Why do some people take part in satanic rituals?

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what can only be described as Satanism is practised by a small elite group of men deep inside the red wood forests of California, Bohemian Grove


never seen before footage of bizzare rituals involving screaming , burning effigies of children etc


all practised by arguably the most influential men on the planet


please sensible comments:







why i believe this is a form of satanism


Any person with a shred of Humanity would consider Burning Effigies of Babies & Children as a Horrible act!


the practice of Burning effigies of Kids is NOT practiced by any region ( as far as i am aware )


practice is conducted by the most influential people of the planet ( eg Bush )



3 main regions on earth would consider idol worship as satanism


images of the Giant Owl also appear on the $1 Bill



This is a slightly fictional image of Satan though.


Remember Satan was basically among the party of God and was raised in rank to one of the angels for his outstanding amount of worship.


He was kicked out of Paradise for a single act of disobediance to God and then encouraged Adam to also disobey God.


The whole concept of Satanism is actually disobediance to God and I'm not sure bizzare rituals has anything much to do with it. I mean how is Satan going to get people to follow him with bizzare disturbing rituals. Instead he gets people to disobey God with feelings of greed lust curiosity ect. That's the whole concept of temptation.


I mean is Satans goal to be worshiped in a bizzare way with bizzare rituals or is it simply to tempt people into disobeying God?

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is that what you are saying?


Actually, I'm fundamentally against the intrusion of privacy of those in the public eye.


And secondly, if you cant see the fundamental flaws in your posts then there's nothing anyone can say. You bandy about the word truth as though it validates your post when all you're doing is spreading doubt and hysteria!

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errrm yes?

you sure dear , as your earlier posts suggested that you never heard of any one worshiping owls!


i was not aware blair was a member, can i see the source?

In post # 75, I said that I don't know anyone (meaning any pagan) who worships an owl ... I don't know anyone who's been to Bohemian Grove either.


ETA: I apologise to Tony Blair and any other world leader I may have impugned with the taint of Bohemian Grove. I think I had it confused with Bilderberg Conspiracy theories ... well, they both begin with B, easy mistake to make *shrug* ;)

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what can only be described as Satanism is practised by a small elite group of men deep inside the red wood forests of California, Bohemian Grove
They are explicitly worshipping Satan? This is mentioned specifically?


never seen before footage of bizzare rituals involving screaming , burning effigies of children etc
How can it be "never seen before footage" when its been on youtube for 5 years?


all practised by arguably the most influential men on the planet
Every single one of them is a world leader? Captain of industry? Religious leader? Media tycoon? Name every single one of them so I can cross reference them


Just because you believe its satanism doesn't make it satanism. I could believe its Morris dancing but that doesn't make it so.


Any person with a shred of Humanity would consider Burning Effigies of Babies & Children as a Horrible act!
Thats true but a horrible act isn't necessarily satanism. Giving your partner a Dutch Oven is a horrible act but it doesn't make you a satanist


the practice of Burning effigies of Kids is NOT practiced by any region ( as far as i am aware )
Probably not but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen and if it does it doesn't necessarily mean the people doing it are Satanists


practice is conducted by the most influential people of the planet (eg Bush)
Point him out on the video. Just because Bush conducts an act that doesn't make it a satanic act. He brushes his teeth every morning but that doesn't mean buying Aquafresh makes you a child of Beelzebub!


3 main regions on earth would consider idol worship as satanism
Considering at least one of them is built around worshipping an idol then by your definition christians are satanists.


images of the Giant Owl also appear on the $1 Bill
So does a the number one do you consider that to be satanic as well?


Have you ever considered that you're just paranoid?

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your very interested in this subject rubes

I'm only interested because people so often confuse pagans with Satanists and it's very annoying, not to mention incredibly offensive. A hangover from the days when the Christian missionaries had to discredit the old religion so they could superimpose the upstart new one on us, I suppose.


Although as they kept most of the old feasts and festivals, and just changed the names slightly, it was never going to be a watertight cover-up, was it? :)

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If it was just your average wierdo,pagan,satanist,whatever i would find it disturbing but think ,yes let em get on with it as long as they did not really harm anyone.


The thing is though it isn't your average wierdo, it's people we are supposed to trust with our lives,future and act as our servants .Along with the freemasons and their power, daft rituals and secrecy how are we supposed to trust them to do what is best for us ?


I think anyone going to so much trouble to defend it without question is probably of their kind.

So what if it is not a real sacrifice,what it represents is evil.

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I think anyone going to so much trouble to defend it without question is probably of their kind.

So what if it is not a real sacrifice,what it represents is evil.

Do tell us what we are - world leaders or satanists?


Its always your way isn't it? Anyone who doesn't agree with me is one of "them". One of the "satanists" one of the "NWO" one of the "illuminati" part of "it". I seem to recall on another thread you implied that anyone who didn't agree with you must be a peadophile. What a bile filled creature you are. When will you stop hating people?

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So what if it is not a real sacrifice,what it represents is evil.


/sigh. There's an alarming amount of people on here who view the world in terms of absolutes. It's a black & white viewpoint overload!


Ignoring the fact that it's just make believe. Are you saying that a sacrifice represents evil now, does it? That's it? A black and white answer...


Are people conditioned by what they see on TV? People kill animals (and eat them) every day. Is that evil?


Oh I'm wasting my breath (fingers)...


Do I think their privacy was invaded? In this case, absolutely. If politicians want to go out and have sex with male prostitutes OR run around playing Worship Hecate, or play a 48 hour tournament of Boggle, that's their choice.


I can't imagine what some of you are like in real life! It would take me so much more than this and something of REAL substance to get me riled up. This is just utter nonsense.

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