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Why do some people take part in satanic rituals?

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I'm afraid what you are saying (same as I've been saying) will fall on deaf ears. Ruthlogic is going to say that the Bohemian Grove lot wrote that wiki article and that the Alex Jones vid is the truth.


Anyway, you aint seen me, right?

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I wouldn't be at all surprised if Alex Jones is a Cointelpro-like agent "seeding" the "truth movement", taking attention away from the real crimes of state and ensuring critical thinking is focussed on mysterious satanic rituals, elaborate notions of freemasonic hegemony and other wild goose chases as a means of pacifying dissidence.


How's that for a conspiracy theory?

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I'm clearly saying the bible contains the story of a human sacrifice to the god of the bible. A story which directly involved the god of the bible who does nothing to let Jephthah out of his rash promise:


"whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the LORD’s, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering."


Now the god of the bible could have used some of his magic powers to have something other than Jephthah 's daughter leave his door 1st. Or after witnessing Jephthah's willingness to kill his daughter as a sacrifice sent a goat or something to be sacrificed in her place as in the the more popular Abraham story.


However according to the bible neither of those two things happened and they are just two ways of letting Jephthah's daughter off that spring immediately to the mind of a limited human being. An all knowing superbeing should have been able to come up with no end of ways to not have one of his worshippers sacrifice a girl to him, yet according to the bible Yahweh did no such thing. The only valid conclusion from this story would seem to be that the god of the bible was perfectly happy for Jephthah to sacrifice his daughter.


I made no mention of current varieties of Xianity advocating direct human sacrifice, why can't you respond to what people actually post?


Of course many varieties of Xianity such as your church indirectly sacrifice large numbers of people to your sky pixie by for example spreading anti-condom propaganda in AIDS ravaged Africa, attempting to criminalise stem cell research, preventing pregnant women from having life saving medical treatment.... but that not quite the same this as mentioned in Judges 11.


Too many issues in one post. Can't possibly continue a conversation like this.

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Too many issues in one post. Can't possibly continue a conversation like this.


the issue is qutite simple


a secretive group made up of industry tycoons and nearly very single american president takes part in a human sacrifice ritual , ( proof given by the vid )


arguments for the group have been:


1. they are only play acting

2, it is corporate bonding

3. its not a effigy of a child they burning but a wooden man! (

3, people are allowed to do what they want in private ( even if they are presidents? )

4. these people have stressfull jobs

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the issue is qutite simple


a secretive group made up of industry tycoons and nearly very single american president takes part in a human sacrifice ritual , ( proof given by the vid )


arguments for the group have been:


1. they are only play acting

2, it is corporate bonding

3. its not a effigy of a child they burning but a wooden man! (

3, people are allowed to do what they want in private ( even if they are presidents? )

4. these people have stressfull jobs


while it may not be many people's idea of a good night out, i can't see what harm it's doing.


just what is your issue with this?


is it that they haven't invited you?

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