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Why do some people take part in satanic rituals?

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what can only be described as Satanism is practised by a small elite group of men deep inside the red wood forests of California, Bohemian Grove


never seen before footage of bizzare rituals involving screaming , burning effigies of children etc


all practised by argues the most influential men on the planet


please sensible comments:










You're just jealous. Again.

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It's weird that anyone feels they know enough about another to judge what they get up to in their private lives. People have hobbies and they have things they like to do to let off steam.


I don't see why this is at ALL weird. It's the comment about burning effigies of children that's said as though it's something horrific... COME ON. This is just at attempt at sensationalism.


I ate a Jelly Baby last night! Someone call The Daily Star!


If we all accepted other people's innocent actions as just that, then we'd all be a lot happier.

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what can only be described as Satanism is practised by a small elite group of men deep inside the red wood forests of California, Bohemian Grove


never seen before footage of bizzare rituals involving screaming , burning effigies of children etc


all practised by argues the most influential men on the planet


please sensible comments:







Never before seen footage? LOL it's been around since 2000 and has already been highlighted in one of the other threads and discussed.


Some things to point out though:


1. It's not Satanism, they are "mock worshipping" Molloch, not Satan


2. Alex Jones is a known conspiracy theorist


3. If they WERE worshipping Molloch, he would not be pleased that they are mocking him with a fake sacrifice.


4. It's all very brightly lit and well-staged for a "secret" ritual, the people all attending are even set out so that the crowd get a good view (facing them). Even the fibreglass skull and sign over the entrance make it seem more like a theme park attraction than a ritual.


Infact, it's so much like a stage show..........


It IS a stage show! look:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cremation_of_Care

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what can only be described as Satanism is practised by a small elite group of men deep inside the red wood forests of California, Bohemian Grove.



People do things that seem strange to others, why is there a problem.

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They are just people who have enough money to satisfy any material whim they have and so are bored. They have moved on to the illusory "buzz" of the forbidden. It's what happens when you trade simple integrity for symbolic power.

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