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Why do some people take part in satanic rituals?

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A load of old bokum indeed but still carried out by the powerful in society,this is where you get the links to freemosonry,moloch and the pyramid etc on American notes.


Bunch of selfish nutters with no morals or regard for others lives.


Can also easily apply to most mainstream religions

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A load of old bokum indeed but still carried out by the powerful in society,this is where you get the links to freemosonry,moloch and the pyramid etc on American notes.


Bunch of selfish nutters with no morals or regard for others lives.


I simply don't agree with that. Sure, they look after each other, but I know a few Masons and while it's all very interesting, I doubt for a second that there's any actual maliciousness there.


Curiously, why don't you spend your time exposing the criminal gangs in Sheffield - or you know, putting that pointing finger to good / valid use?

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Where did you get this information from Grahame? and why are you likening Paganism to Satanism?


Again (and I'm not stalking your posts, Roots, you're just making a tonne of sense), the two are very different, and sacrifice doesn't go on in lots of branches of Paganism...


This is an example of how people think they know what they're talking about from the media.

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Where did you get this information from Grahame? and why are you likening Paganism to Satanism?


Do the research.


"What Gods Do Pagans Worship


There are many people who identify themselves as Pagan. They may each choose a pantheon that they feel closest to, such as the ancient Egyptian deities or the Greek deities. Some Pagans pick and choose a number of deities from different pantheons.


There are no right or wrong gods and goddesses to choose from. Each Pagan chooses the deities that she or he feels closest to. For example, a Pagan who loves animals might choose to have the Egyptian cat goddess Bast, the Celtic horse goddess Epona, and the Roman goat god Pan represented on his altar."







Sacrifice could comprise of inanimate objects, animals or humans. Amongst the Norse, there were two types of human sacrifice; that performed for the gods at religious festivals, and retainer sacrifice that was performed at a funeral. An eye-witness account of retainer sacrifice survives in Ibn Fadlan's account of a Rus ship burial, where a slave-girl had volunteered to accompany her lord to the next world. Reports of religious sacrifice are given by Tacitus, Saxo Grammaticus and Adam of Bremen.


The Heimskringla tells of Swedish King Aun who sacrificed nine of his sons in an effort to prolong his life until his subjects stopped him from killing his last son Egil. According to Adam of Bremen, the Swedish kings sacrificed males every ninth year during the Yule sacrifices at the Temple at Uppsala. The Swedes had the right not only to elect kings but also to depose them, and both king Domalde and king Olof Trätälja are said to have been sacrificed after years of famine.


Odin, the chief god of the Norse, was associated with death by hanging, and a possible practice of Odinic sacrifice by strangling has some archeological support in the existence of bodies perfectly preserved by the acid of the Jutland (later taken over by the Daner people) peatbogs, into which they were cast after having been strangled. One of the most notable examples of this is the Bronze Age Tollund Man. However, we possess no written accounts that explicitly interpret the cause of these stranglings, which could have other explanations, such as being a form of capital punishment.”



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Do the research.


"What Gods Do Pagans Worship


There are many people who identify themselves as Pagan. They may each choose a pantheon that they feel closest to, such as the ancient Egyptian deities or the Greek deities. Some Pagans pick and choose a number of deities from different pantheons.


There are no right or wrong gods and goddesses to choose from. Each Pagan chooses the deities that she or he feels closest to. For example, a Pagan who loves animals might choose to have the Egyptian cat goddess Bast, the Celtic horse goddess Epona, and the Roman goat god Pan represented on his altar."







Sacrifice could comprise of inanimate objects, animals or humans. Amongst the Norse, there were two types of human sacrifice; that performed for the gods at religious festivals, and retainer sacrifice that was performed at a funeral. An eye-witness account of retainer sacrifice survives in Ibn Fadlan's account of a Rus ship burial, where a slave-girl had volunteered to accompany her lord to the next world. Reports of religious sacrifice are given by Tacitus, Saxo Grammaticus and Adam of Bremen.


The Heimskringla tells of Swedish King Aun who sacrificed nine of his sons in an effort to prolong his life until his subjects stopped him from killing his last son Egil. According to Adam of Bremen, the Swedish kings sacrificed males every ninth year during the Yule sacrifices at the Temple at Uppsala. The Swedes had the right not only to elect kings but also to depose them, and both king Domalde and king Olof Trätälja are said to have been sacrificed after years of famine.


Odin, the chief god of the Norse, was associated with death by hanging, and a possible practice of Odinic sacrifice by strangling has some archeological support in the existence of bodies perfectly preserved by the acid of the Jutland (later taken over by the Daner people) peatbogs, into which they were cast after having been strangled. One of the most notable examples of this is the Bronze Age Tollund Man. However, we possess no written accounts that explicitly interpret the cause of these stranglings, which could have other explanations, such as being a form of capital punishment.”




That's a lot of text to avoid the question. Once more - why are you likening Paganism to Satanism?

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That's a lot of text to avoid the question. Once more - why are you likening Paganism to Satanism?


I don't feel like I want to get involved, just check your facts before posting and give your sources.


Truth to tell it isn't a very nice subject and I would rather steer clear.


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I don't feel like I want to get involved, just check your facts before posting and give your sources.


Truth to tell it isn't a very nice subject and I would rather steer clear.


This is interesting, so you have 'nice' religions and 'nasty' ones.


For example, people like Muslims, but not Satanists.


That's... interesting :)

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I don't feel like I want to get involved, just check your facts before posting and give your sources.


Truth to tell it isn't a very nice subject and I would rather steer clear.


I do, this is exactly the question I was asking you: where have you got your facts from?


EDIT: I asked this already and you cut and pasted a huge article that offers no answer to the question whatsoever

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Great, a link showing the same holiday snapshots from the same place by the same person.

Love the close up of the book cover as if that means something! :hihi:




Why do you choose to associate the two things? More random hysteria.




This is a PERFECT example of your ignorance and narrow mindedness.

I point out that you obviously know nothing about Satanism and that makes me a Satanist? Just because I choose to learn about a subject rather than believe common misconceptions and assumptions?


No I'm not a Satanist, but more importantly I'm not a paranoid conspiracy theorist primed to believe anything I see on the internet or TV.


I can't believe you two are STILL blindly ranting and pointing fingers, STILL with no factual evidence. And truthlogic gets more and more inconsistent with the "it's a real child/it's an effigy" thing. Still no evidence that it's a ritual or worshipping, still no evidence it's Molloch, and absolutely NOTHING to do with Satan ANYWHERE in ANY of this!


and what opinion have you put forward ?


What's makes you think that satan worship must involve a horned goat etc ?


I doubt you even belive in God hence why you are uncapable of seeing children being offered as human sacrifice as satanic !

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and what opinion have you put forward ?


What's makes you think that satan worship must involve a horned goat etc ?


I doubt you even belive in God hence why you are uncapable of seeing children being offered as human sacrifice as satanic !


Can we REALLY discuss this topic with you when this is your logic?

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