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Why do some people take part in satanic rituals?

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Bunch of selfish nutters with no morals or regard for others lives.


Can also easily apply to most mainstream religions


I agree though most religions are based on good but have been twisted by man and don't practice what they preach,i'm sure God would not be pleased with "religion" today.

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That's not necessarily true. Just because that's what it says in the Bible does not mean it's correct. A god may exist, or an entire pantheon, but it certainly doesn't mean that because one god exists, the Devil does also. It's this willingness to believe without evidence that makes me doubt the merit of blind faith.



To be honest Karis I don't think you are the right person to say what satanism is or is not as you are the only person I have ever come across that thinks killing some one is NOT evil !

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and what opinion have you put forward ?


What's makes you think that satan worship must involve a horned goat etc ?


I doubt you even belive in God hence why you are uncapable of seeing children being offered as human sacrifice as satanic !


1. After all these pages do you really want me to repeat my opinion again? I understand that is how you like to do things but it's getting very tedious for me.


2. Nothing makes me think that satan worship must involve horned goats, why did you ask this?


3. No I don't believe in a god, I also don't deny (however unlikely) the possibility of the existence of one or more. More to the point, IT JUST DOES NOT MATTER TO ME EITHER WAY.


What a bigoted view on humanity, that anyone who doesn't believe in your god doesn't see child sacrifice as wrong. There aren't any children being sacrificed in the video by the way. No evidence of Satanism either.



Through this whole thread all you have done is make unfounded claims and ask accusing questions of everyone who does not see the video as satanic sacrifice.

You have yet to answer any of the questions that were put to you and ultimately, after all your insistent ranting you STILL have NOT put forward any factual evidence.

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and what opinion have you put forward ?


What's makes you think that satan worship must involve a horned goat etc ?


I doubt you even belive in God hence why you are uncapable of seeing children being offered as human sacrifice as satanic !

:huh: Which children would this be?

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To be honest Karis I don't think you are the right person to say what satanism is or is not as you are the only person I have ever come across that thinks killing some one is NOT evil !


Sadly, this entire thread has nothing to do with my opinion, nor is your attempt to obfuscate the fact that you are intent on pointing the finger with absolutely no evidence whatsoever.


This is one of those hysterical threads that should be allowed to die (dis)gracefully.

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To be honest Karis I don't think you are the right person to say what satanism is or is not as you are the only person I have ever come across that thinks killing some one is NOT evil !


there are, surely, circumstances where you are in a kill-or-be-killed situation, and you have to take a life to save your own?


For example, say someone walks into a shopping mall armed with a gun, and starts shooting at the members of the public. Armed response officers attend but the shooter persists in trying to fire at others.


What do the officers attending do? Do they just allow the shooter to continue to fire on other people, maiming or killing them, or do they use necessary force?(including deadly force if the situation warrants it?)


I imagine that there are many people, not just Karis, who would agree that, in a situation like that, it's something that maybe needs to be done?

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there are, surely, circumstances where you are in a kill-or-be-killed situation, and you have to take a life to save your own?


For example, say someone walks into a shopping mall armed with a gun, and starts shooting at the members of the public. Armed response officers attend but the shooter persists in trying to fire at others.


What do the officers attending do? Do they just allow the shooter to continue to fire on other people, maiming or killing them, or do they use necessary force?(including deadly force if the situation warrants it?)


I imagine that there are many people, not just Karis, who would agree that, in a situation like that, it's something that maybe needs to be done?


Thanks PT. You explained it clearly. I agree firmly with everything you've said. Murder, like anything, cannot be put into one pot. There's times when even the most passive can find themselves resorting to extreme measures...


My point is: actions are just actions. They're neither good nor evil. You can contextualise them if you must, but they're still actions. I doubt you will be able to understand that. But all this finger pointing and hysteria around Satanism - a concept you seem barely able to understand - is ridiculous.


The moment any of us start thinking in black and white terms or in terms of absolutes, we've lost something precious to us.

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