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Why do some people take part in satanic rituals?

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Never before seen footage? LOL it's been around since 2000 and has already been highlighted in one of the other threads and discussed.


Some things to point out though:


1. It's not Satanism, they are "mock worshipping" Molloch, not Satan


2. Alex Jones is a known conspiracy theorist


3. If they WERE worshipping Molloch, he would not be pleased that they are mocking him with a fake sacrifice.


4. It's all very brightly lit and well-staged for a "secret" ritual, the people all attending are even set out so that the crowd get a good view (facing them). Even the fibreglass skull and sign over the entrance make it seem more like a theme park attraction than a ritual.


Infact, it's so much like a stage show..........


It IS a stage show! look:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cremation_of_Care



a giant owl worship to a Jew , Christian or Muslim would be classed as satanism!


burning effigies of CHILDREN be it MOCK or real is classed as sick ! BY ANY SANE MEMBER OF THE HUMAN RACE!






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How do you think they become rich and powerful?


Think about...


Right better go for an tin foil cap fitting.


In the world we live in, money makes money


and power is always in the hand of the few


hence why conglomerates and governments are so intertwined,

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Almost every British leader has been to, and laughed at, an explicit show of dropping babies and hitting people with sticks at some point in their life (Punch and Judy show), and I'd imagine that they have also been to a pantomime which has similar evil perpetrated at it. Does that mean that they are in the employ of evil? Of course not.


There are lots of things which, when taken out of context, can look decidedly odd and in this day and age the availability of information has never been greater. This allows us to see small details which have very little bearing on whether we trust someone's judgement in taking control of responsibility in their life. Surely even world leaders have to have moments that they get to relax, have a laugh and make a fool of themselves in fancy dress?


I did watch the link and I'm afraid I did it without even putting my tin foil hat on. Utter twaddle, all of it.

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Almost every British leader has been to, and laughed at, an explicit show of dropping babies and hitting people with sticks at some point in their life (Punch and Judy show), and I'd imagine that they have also been to a pantomime which has similar evil perpetrated at it. Does that mean that they are in the employ of evil? Of course not.


There are lots of things which, when taken out of context, can look decidedly odd and in this day and age the availability of information has never been greater. This allows us to see small details which have very little bearing on whether we trust someone's judgement in taking control of responsibility in their life. Surely even world leaders have to have moments that they get to relax, have a laugh and make a fool of themselves in fancy dress?


I did watch the link and I'm afraid I did it without even putting my tin foil hat on. Utter twaddle, all of it.


is mock human ritual sacrifice a FUN loving them to practice?


and what if it was not just MOCK! what if some felt that their fantasies had to more than just role play?



why is it one can only worship moloch and burn effigy* of children as long as you are in the group of rich and elite?



yes yes im sure the MOD is correct , world leaders have so much stress taking care of us , making sure we are all well


all this hard work will lead to a break down ,



but dont worry ,


world leaders meeting up in secret and carrying out these satanic rituals


such as Human sacrifices to owls


will always get rid of ones worries? and troubles?






and cue the "cremation of care"

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I did watch the link and I'm afraid I did it without even putting my tin foil hat on. Utter twaddle, all of it.



Nixon described Bohemian Grove as a fag place , ( lots of gay sex? )


hence why women are NOT allowed !


more vids and pics on the grove!


Bill o reilly spins away from questions being asked about the grove,!







David Gergen is asked about the secretive club ( he always appears on CNN )






1981 report on bohemian grove: past presidents etc

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a giant owl worship to a Jew , Christian or Muslim would be classed as satanism!burning effigies of CHILDREN be it MOCK or real is classed as sick ! BY ANY SANE MEMBER OF THE HUMAN RACE!








This just goes to show how they tar non-christian/jewish/muslim events with the same brush. Ignorence is rife.


Which presidents do you mean exactly?




is mock human ritual sacrifice a FUN loving them to practice?


and what if it was not just MOCK! what if some felt that their fantasies had to more than just role play?



why is it one can only worship moloch and burn effigy* of children as long as you are in the group of rich and elite?



yes yes im sure the MOD is correct , world leaders have so much stress taking care of us , making sure we are all well


all this hard work will lead to a break down ,



but dont worry ,


world leaders meeting up in secret and carrying out these satanic rituals


such as Human sacrifices to owls


will always get rid of ones worries? and troubles?






and cue the "cremation of care"


Have you actually seen the full play? or just the short section in the clip?


Do you know how it ends? does good or evil win?


You might as well be ranting on about the Death Star being built in Star Wars, excluding the rest of the film and the fact that the good guys destroy it.

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This just goes to show how they tar non-christian/jewish/muslim events with the same brush. Ignorence is rife.


Which presidents do you mean exactly?



Bush , Nixon are JUST some!



Have you actually seen the full play? or just the short section in the clip?


Do you know how it ends? does good or evil win?


You might as well be ranting on about the Death Star being built in Star Wars, excluding the rest of the film and the fact that the good guys destroy it.



ive seen the full undercover documentary! as that is the ONLY hard evidence that backs up the accusations made against the club!


it ends with the Burning of a childs corpse!

very nice!

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It isn't "secrecy", any more than you preventing people coming into your garden to watch what you are up to.

No it wouldn't. It would worshiping false gods or the equivalent.

You have mock intelligence. You can't call that an insult because according to you that is the same as saying you are intelligent.

No, as I said above it is like those corporate bonding events. And stop with the all caps.


And? Irrelevant to the thread

Again, "mock". Like a Guy Fawkes burning.

Absolutely ridiculous. I'm struggling to find words to describe just how idiotic this post is.


huh? Anyone could decide to do it. There are a few people on SF who do pagan rituals, I think. Not to mention the millions that burn Guy Fawkes every year.


Repetition dos not make it true.


A lie. There were no human sacrifices.


So destroying your whole argument.


1.first off how one have a fair and balanced debate with some one who changed my title!??



2. if political leaders are engaged in certain questionable actives in a open and democratic society we have a right too know!

It is a secret when the people in Question refuse to discuss it!

It is a secret when the ritual takes place behind closed doors

IT IS A SECRET when the members take a oath of SECRECY! ( i guess you DID not bother to watch the David Gregan Interview )!



3. fact remains YOU are defending the Burning of Children "effigies" as a Normal act , any sane person who has seen the video will only describe it as a sick barbaric ritual. children in Human Society are precious to be guarded against! yet you think burning them is part of corporate fun for rich people!

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