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Why do some people take part in satanic rituals?

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. The passage doesn't say "a Lord" though does it? It say "the Spirit of the LORD" which is how the god of the bible is referred to throughout the bible in both the old and new testaments.


Like it or not Judges 11 contains the story of a human sacrifice to the god of the bible, your god.


Oh, fer cryin' out loud.


Are you saying that christianity condones human sacrifice?

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1. the Deity worshipped at Bohemian Grove require Human Sacrifice , specificly Child Sacrifice in the form of Burning, this is a fact backed up by religious text and other documented historical sources.


2, Moloch can be repersented by a Owl or a horned Bull


3. Previous Generation who have worshipped Moloch have indeed burnt children in order to please Thier God, The Followers of Moloch in todays world also carry out the same practice be it only using a effigy to burn instead of a real child.


4. main stream religions and many other people will class the worship of Giant stone owls and human Sacrifice ( mock** ?) as Satanism!



5. some members of the satanic club are :

Republican U.S. president since 1923 (as well as some Democrats), many cabinet officials, directors and CEOs of large corporations

Hence why Secrecy is paramount.


6, Defenders of this club are spinning the satanic rituals as -

"corporate events "

" a bit of fun" - Burning effigies of children is NOT classed as Fun activity!


7. people on this thread have also claimed that the club is not Secret but "Private" ( again unsuccessfully trying to spin the exposure" as one of the Members David Gregan has said that members are required to take a Oath of secrecy / understanding!


8. In a so called free and open society when leaders are under scrutiny should groups like these be allowed to meet behind closed doors?







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8. In a so called free and open society when leaders are under scrutiny should groups like these be allowed to meet behind closed doors?


Why not, loads of other groups meet behind closed doors.

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1. the Deity worshipped at Bohemian Grove require Human Sacrifice , specificly Child Sacrifice in the form of Burning, this is a fact backed up by religious text and other documented historical sources.


2, Moloch can be repersented by a Owl or a horned Bull


3. Previous Generation who have worshipped Moloch have indeed burnt children in order to please Thier God, The Followers of Moloch in todays world also carry out the same practice be it only using a effigy to burn instead of a real child.


4. main stream religions and many other people will class the worship of Giant stone owls and human Sacrifice ( mock** ?) as Satanism!



5. some members of the satanic club are :

Republican U.S. president since 1923 (as well as some Democrats), many cabinet officials, directors and CEOs of large corporations

Hence why Secrecy is paramount.


6, Defenders of this club are spinning the satanic rituals as -

"corporate events "

" a bit of fun" - Burning effigies of children is NOT classed as Fun activity!


7. people on this thread have also claimed that the club is not Secret but "Private" ( again unsuccessfully trying to spin the exposure" as one of the Members David Gregan has said that members are required to take a Oath of secrecy / understanding!


8. In a so called free and open society when leaders are under scrutiny should groups like these be allowed to meet behind closed doors?








Your posts are starting to resemble spam


Why can't you see that it's a theatrical re-enactment?


Imagine this:

There's a WWII re-enactment going on and you're there,


Ruthlogic: Look at them trying to kill each other!

mr.B: Nah, it's just a show


Ruthlogic: No look! they're KILLING EACH OTHER!

mr.B: It's pretend


Ruthlogic: THIS IS SHOCKING! How can they get away with this?! People need to know about what's going on!

mr.B: It's a battle re-enactment, a show. People already know about it.


Ruthlogic: But they're killing each other!! You can see!

mr.B: No, they're just falling over, they're acting


Ruthlogic: I can't believe these Russians are killing everyone!! DOES NOBODY CARE?

mr.B: They're Germans, not Russians. They're not really killing anyone.


Ruthlogic: They are wearing what can only be described as Russian uniforms, they are killing people and they are evil!

mr.B: They're German uniforms. Nobody has died.


Ruthlogic: But how can you not see this is so wrong, sir?!!!!

mr.B: Oh for christ's sake, I'm off......

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There is another ritual that ties in with a couple of posts and that is the ritual of Black Rod banging on the doors of the Houses of Parliament to be let in and until recently their business was done behind closed doors and still is in committee and some pretty unpleasant things have been done there that affect us all.


So you see rootsbooster you are looking at the ritual but we also know these people have done some pretty dreadful things that you cannot make light of.


Notice the third line of my signature.


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There is another ritual that ties in with a couple of posts and that is the ritual of Black Rod banging on the doors of the Houses of Parliament to be let in and until recently their business was done behind closed doors and still is in committee and some pretty unpleasant things have been done there that affect us all.

So you see rootsbooster you are looking at the ritual but we also know these people have done some pretty dreadful things that you cannot make light of.


Notice the third line of my signature.


Hahah that's actually quite a good point, especially now more than ever with the current government


EDIT: It still doesn't mean that anything bad was going on in the video

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2. if political leaders are engaged in certain questionable actives in a open and democratic society we have a right too know!


No we don't. Really. You're so wrapped up in your closed minded world you fail to see people are quite entitled to have a private life which has nothing to do with anyone else. No one *has* a right to know who is having sex with whom or anything that falls within the confines of privacy.


3. fact remains YOU are defending the Burning of Children "effigies" as a Normal act , any sane person who has seen the video will only describe it as a sick barbaric ritual. children in Human Society are precious to be guarded against! yet you think burning them is part of corporate fun for rich people!


Actually, you're the one bringing it to this forum (you just don't like the responses you're getting). Quite frankly, how you can make claim that you're trying to have a serious discussion in one hand while claiming these people are 'sick and barbaric' is slightly tragic.


Worse, that you're equating the burning of an effigy with the harming of children.


You're clearly one of those people who wants to bring the 'truth' to the masses, but the truth, as has been clearly demonstrated here, is often none of our business, and is never as clear as it initially seems.


Summary: people with stressful lives have the opportunity to let off steam. People pay WAY too much attention to the lives of others without spending a second of time trying to understand why they do the things they do. It's what makes our world so exceptionally judgemental, sadly.

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Sensible comments? On an Alex Jones video! Good luck with that! :hihi:


I find it weird you can demonise Alex Jones for revealing the truth of what goes on in this world but think it perfectly acceptable for people of standing to simulate sacrificing babies :huh:

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