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We was brung up proper

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If you were born in the 30's 40's 50's 0r 60's ... you didnt teach your children to teach their children respect, consideration, and all the things above. As a result of your negligence, I have to deal with the fall out. Thanks a lot! :hihi:

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If you were born in the 30's 40's 50's 0r 60's First we were born to mothers who smoked and drank whilst they carried us and lived in houses where there was asbestos they took aspirin ate blue cheese raw egg products loads of bacon and processed meat, tuna from a can and didn't get tested for diabetes or cervical cancer. Then after that trauma our baby cots were covered with bright coloured lead based paint.We didn't have childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and we rode our bikes without helmets. We took risks hitchhiking. We would ride in cars without seat belts or air bags. We drank water from the garden hose not from a bottle. Take away food consisted of fish and chips no pizzas or McDonalds KFC Subway or Nandos. All shops closed @ 6..00pm and didn,t open on Sundays, but we didn,t starve. We shared one drink between four friends from one bottle and no one died from this. We always played outside we would leave home in the morning and play all day as long as we were back before the street lights came on. No one was able to reach us and we were OK. We would spend hours building go karts out of old prams, use our mums washing line and skip we made dens and played with muck and stones. We didn,t have Playstations Nintendo X boxes video DVDs or mobile phones personal computers or internet WE HAD FRIENDS. We fell out of trees got cut broke bones and teeth and there were no Law suits. We made mud pies , ate worms and survived. You could only buy Easter Eggs at Easter. We didn,t need to "keep up with the Joneses" because we were all in the same boat. We were taughts the three R,s and survived to get on with our lives. We had freedom, failure success and responsibility. Taken from an Email sent to me.


Ive read this story god knows how many times, I wonder who the real author is.

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