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Ex-Israeli president gets 7 years for rape

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"You made a mistake! It is a lie!" Moshe Katsav screams at judges




(be quiet, you sick freak)


TEL AVIV, Israel — An Israeli court ordered former Israeli President Moshe Katsav to prison for seven years Tuesday following his rape conviction, rejecting his attorneys' request for leniency and making him the highest-ranking Israel official ever sent to jail.


The silver-haired Katsav broke down in tears and screamed at the judges: "You made a mistake! It is a lie! The girls know it is a lie!"



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And wonder what kind of sentence that will be in Israel ? - over here, 7 years means about half of that.


No it doesn't.


In the UK a sentence of 7 years means you will serve 4 yrs and 4 months (or maybe more of you misbehave and lose remission time.)


When you are released, you will not have served the whole of your sentence, so if you do something wrong (or if the police even think you've done something wrong) you could find yourself before a court which might sentence you to a period of imprisonment for the recent offence (and you may well get a chance to serve the unserved part of your earlier sentence)


Or you could just find yourself back in jail without even appearing before a court.


You wouldn't need to appear before a court. You have already been sentenced to 7 years and you've a bit left to do.

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But, but... it's the only democracy in the Middle East! - how can that be?!
We have to give credit to the justice system, it does work when the victim is Jewish, but if the victim had been an Arab, now that would invite a totally different verdict.
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We have to give credit to the justice system, it does work when the victim is Jewish, but if the victim had been an Arab, now that would invite a totally different verdict.


Which reminds me of this (from Sep.10) :


Unravelling the Israeli Arab 'rape by deception' case


New evidence has emerged in the widely-reported case of Sabbar Kashur, an Israeli Arab who was found guilty of rape by deception after having sex with an Israeli Jewish woman.


Back in July, it was reported that the two met in a Jerusalem street in 2008, had consensual sex within 10 minutes of meeting each other.


Two weeks later the young woman discovered that he was an Arab, not a Jew, and went to the police.


After his verdict was announced in July, Kashur protested his innocence in an interview to the BBC: "The whole case focussed on the fact that I am an Arab. It was real racism. The court insisted that I presented myself as a Jew and not as an Arab which is not true."


The conviction of Sabbar Kashur generated a heated debate around the world about racism, sexual mores and justice in the Jewish state.



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I can't remember what the cutoff is - but for short sentences (I think that's less than 44 or 46 months) an inmate will serve half.


Above that, the time served is two thirds.


If (s)he 'misbehaves' (s)he is brought before a warder for a summary hearing and if the facts are proven (It's a summary hearing - not a trial) the warder may award 'loss of remission' and the inmate loses a number of days remission.


Critics have argued that this amounts to 'summary imprisonment without due process'. I suggest that is not so, because the courts have already awarded the sentence - all the warden is doing is declining to reduce it.


I met an inmate in one prison who had been sentenced to a long term (over 6 years) for 'posession of cocaine with intent to supply.'


One day I went to that prison and he wasn't there. 'Where's so-and-so?' I asked. 'He's been released' I was told.


Two weeks later I was in the same prison and I saw him. 'What are you doing here?' I asked him. 'I got caught with some cocaine' he said. 'How much? How long did you get?' I asked.


'Not a lot.' He said (apparently, he was found in possession of a 'user amount'.)


They didn't bother taking him before a court. He was returned to prison for 'breach of the terms of his licence.'


He had 2 years unserved from his previous sentence and that was probably rather more than a court might've awarded him for simple possession.


'Early release on licence' is just that. The licence can be revoked.

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