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British Miss Universe contestant gets abuse and death threats

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'A contestant is chosen.' Surely, that's the point?


She entered a contest (or maybe more than one) to be selected to represent the UK.


She was selected by whoever judged the contest(s) / all those daft enough to pay a couple of quid for a phone-in vote.


She doesn't need to be 'the most beautiful woman in the UK' (which would be a highly-subjective choice anyway.)


All she had to do was persuade those who were selecting a representative that she was the right candidate. It appears she did so. Her race and appearance are irrelevant.


Well, it's just my opinion but I believe in a beauty pageant (not in any other type of competition BTW) the contestant should represent their race, not their citizenship.

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I understand what you're saying, but if that was the case, beauty pageants would simply have to stop.


If you had a final with (say) 12 Caucasoid, 12 Negroid, 12 Mongoloid and 12 Australoid contestants and you were to choose between them, then how many seconds would elapse before there was an accusation that you chose on the grounds of race?


An accusation which would be impossible to refute.


Furthermore, if you accept the above list (Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid and Australoid) as the major racial groupings of humans, then given that both Pakistanis and Anglos are both Caucasoid, so how far are you going to go in sub-dividing the races?


Many of the people in Yorkshire and East Anglia are of Danish origin. (Long heads, blue eyes, blonde hair and bloody awkward.)


Many of those who live to the South and West of the A5 are of another sub-division of the Caucasoid race. (Round heads, brown eyes, dark hair and bloody illogical.)


Which of those two sub-divisions of the Caucasoid race should be eligible to compete in a Miss UK competition?

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I understand what you're saying, but if that was the case, beauty pageants would simply have to stop.


If you had a final with (say) 12 Caucasoid, 12 Negroid, 12 Mongoloid and 12 Australoid contestants and you were to choose between them, then how many seconds would elapse before there was an accusation that you chose on the grounds of race?


An accusation which would be impossible to refute.


Furthermore, if you accept the above list (Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid and Australoid) as the major racial groupings of humans, then given that both Pakistanis and Anglos are both Caucasoid, so how far are you going to go in sub-dividing the races?


Many of the people in Yorkshire and East Anglia are of Danish origin. (Long heads, blue eyes, blonde hair and bloody awkward.)


Many of those who live to the South and West of the A5 are of another sub-division of the Caucasoid race. (Round heads, brown eyes, dark hair and bloody illogical.)


Which of those two sub-divisions of the Caucasoid race should be eligible to compete in a Miss UK competition?


They should just pick women with the surname Smith. Loads easier.

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Can't do that! That's class discrimination!


Before the Normans came there were people who smote iron. They were the 'Smythes'. (A common bunch.)


The Normans couldn't pronounce 'Smythe', so the Smythes (or those in favour with the new regime) became 'Smiths' (the upper-class version of Smythe.)


If you only allow Smiths to compete, you are discriminating against the Smythes.

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I actually agree with this. It isn't a dig at race or religion, it makes a lot of sense.


oh it IS a dig at her "religion" and possibly skin colour, if she wasnt asian or muslim he wouldnt give a hoot, and the rest of his post is ******** trying to hide that fact.


the olympic team IS a team..........a group of individuals.

miss world / miss universe etc etc is precisely that........ONE "miss" (whatever the religion or colour theres only ever gonna be ONE chosen to represent the country) Hots on you really need to get with the programme and understand theres plenty of BRITISH muslims out there and maybe it was time there was a british miss universe / world from that part of society for once?


she chose to take part and good on her..........yet again a positive (sort of) muslim story and people will writhe around for negatives as is ALWAYS the case, please dont let hots on decieve you.

this story also shows its not easy being

1: a muslim

2: a woman


doing positive and "normal" things


at least she didnt shy away from it because of the idiots

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I think you're missing his point. Athletics has nothing to do with physical appearance. A beauty pageant on the other hand is the opposite. A contestant is chosen to represent each country to show the beauty of each individual race.


I'll refer back to his example of Japan. There are black people living in Japan but do you think it would be appropriate for a black person to represent the Japanese people?


It's not a competition about citizenship. Fair enough, the lady in question is British, but her race is Pakistani, I believe it would be more appropriate for her to represent Pakistan. She is quoted as saying, "My parents are from Pakistan but I am not going to represent Pakistan as this is my country.", and fair enough she feels that way but I just feel that this mentality comes from some misguided sense of inequality at the risk of forgetting who you are and where you come from. People are so scared of questioning anything that involves race these days that certain things are becoming farcical.


If we don't keep the indigenous race representing each country in beauty pageants like this then they're going to end up with much less variety of beauties and certain races not being represented.


no its not a competition based on race, its a compition about the beauty of a country, shes from this country, she applied, was judged to be the most beautiful of the women who applied from this country ( might not be the most beautiful in this country but hey there the ones who applied )


theres also only 5 races agreed on ( recent reserch im guessing, i was always told just the first 3 ). caucasoid, negroid and mongoloid, capoid and australoid. see link below



so if its based on race there should only be 5 contestants

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Im a bit put out by the fact that this lady, a Muslim of Asian descent is "representing Britain", albeit in a tacky beauty contest.



She isn't 'representing' anybody. She is the candidate from Great Britain (or wherever ... Is she the candidate from Great Britain or the candidate from the UK or the candidate from England? [the article in the Guardian doesn't seem to know.]... Well it is the Guardian :hihi:)


It's a competition. It works in stages. (AFAIK) Contestants enter and if they are successful, they are eligible to go forward to the next stage.


She entered, she won (or was selected to go on from) the previous stage and has moved on to the next.


Why on earth should that be a problem?

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