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how on earth does one find them and keep them,


was wondering as i am a 31 year old bloke who is the prime example of being in the wrong places at the wrong time and having zero luck with everything


have clearly put off people on here and nobody wants to know, so no matter how much i want to have something for me that is special, it will never happen in a month of sundays

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Awwwww treat others the way you would like to be treated and just be yourself? True friends will want to know you for who you are naturally. Go places to meet new people have patience, work on yourself first and others will start to like who you are? Does this make sense? Join facebook lol xxx

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Well it starts with an attitude change. While positivity comes a close second to luck in the meeting people game, a good positive attitude can work wonders for meeting new people.


People aren't generally attracted to people who are constantly negative or feel sorry for themselves. If your new (or old) friends and relationships aren't working out for you then back off; don't try so hard. Make a tactical retreat and hang fire until you're in a better place.


But keep trying, yet don't place all your emotional worth in one place. Your happiness is not determined by your friends and lovers; that comes from within you :)


As you get older, making friends gets harder, but it is possible, just be open to meeting new people and start conversations up everywhere.


Good luck!

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With regard to relationships it's important in life to say what you want, do what you want and be what you want, because someday, someone will come along who likes what you say, likes what you do and likes who you are.


In essence, be yourself. If people don't like it, then they're not for you. This applies as much to friendships as it does relationships.




As for you, Mecky. In my opinion, you're missing out on something wonderful. True friendship is the game you lose out on if you refuse to play. Just my thoughts. x

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how on earth does one find them and keep them,


was wondering as i am a 31 year old bloke who is the prime example of being in the wrong places at the wrong time and having zero luck with everything


have clearly put off people on here and nobody wants to know, so no matter how much i want to have something for me that is special, it will never happen in a month of sundays



Thats what I like, confidence:roll:

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You could go on searching for 'the one' and be miserable in doing so, letting your life pass you by.




You could 'cop off' with just anyone to save you being alone, and be miserable until you split, then repeat these 2 steps continuously throughout life.




You could go through life doing the things that you like to do, that make you happy, that make being single seem quite great actually.




You just might be lucky enough to meet a wonderful person who makes your life even better than you thought it could be.

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A lot of it is purely luck. But what I would say is that if you take an attitude of actively looking and wanting to find someone it does put people off, seeming overkeen.


Whereas if you just stop worrying about it and enjoy your life for what it is, go out with your friends, have interests etc, etc then often someone will find you when you're not looking.

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