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Pantomime Dropped in Racism Fear

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A Devon village panto, Snow White and the Seven Asylum Seekers, has been scrapped amid fears that it could be called racist.

The village hall committee at Merton near Okehampton ordered the cast to change the name after getting advice from the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE).


But writer and producer Bob Harrod has refused, saying the panto was not racist and was sympathetic to asylum seekers.


Full Story


He could have at least changed the name.


In the panto they all work illegally at a quarry near Merton and live in squalor in a cottage in the woods where they are portrayed as living off baked beans and never bathing.

Not stereotyping in any way of course...

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Originally posted by Tony

If the story is true as printed, then it is quite blatently racist. It's up there with 1970's telly "nig nogs". Boringly predictable. :(


You are quite conveniently forgetting the 'white honkey' references in the very same tv programme. But then again thats what you PC people do.

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Originally posted by Mo

You are quite conveniently forgetting the 'white honkey' references in the very same tv programme. But then again thats what you PC people do.

What's your point? That's also a racist expression :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Mo

You are quite conveniently forgetting the 'white honkey' references in the very same tv programme. But then again thats what you PC people do.

Which programme was that? You quoted a generalisation about 1970s TV programmes and then referred to 'the very same programme' without stating which one.


I agree though that racism is a two-edged sword and should be addressed whether perpetrated by or against us white folks.

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Originally posted by Mo

You are quite conveniently forgetting the 'white honkey' references in the very same tv programme. But then again thats what you PC people do.

No. That's equally racist. It's just the sort of language that creates trouble.

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Originally posted by max

Which programme was that? You quoted a generalisation about 1970s TV programmes and then referred to 'the very same programme' without stating which one.


I agree though that racism is a two-edged sword and should be addressed whether perpetrated by or against us white folks.

It was Love Thy Neighbour.


Racism is totally different to cultural differences.


By personal experience , I'm not especially keen on the "general" American, Pakistani or Yemeni national culture.


OTOH, I do enjoy the Indian, Malaysian and Italian general national cultures.


It's got bugger all to do with colour for me, but maybe I'm weird.:D

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