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Water meter megathread

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This is the blurb from Yorkshire Water:


There's no need to worry if you change your mind, you can revert to non metered charges at a later date as long as you write to us within 12 months of the meter being installed and the original application was made by you.



We had ours put in recently and the savings are definitely building up.

Problem was that the pipework was a mess so they wouldn't install one until we'd had that sorted - it means we're not going to be making savings for a while yet...

We weren't worried about future occupants because we're just in a small flat anyway.


@mafya Yes - it could be a big problem for 4-bed house. Maybe worth calling Yorkshire Water to check on what options a future occupant would have. A four bed house could house a lot of people.

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  • 1 month later...

I know I've abandoned this thread a little but we did decide to have a metre installed and I have no idea what went wrong, but our water bills actually increased. We were guessing the hot water circulating in the radiators? Really were dumbstruck how the bills could have more than doubled...perhaps a leak somewhere? Anyway, we quickly and almost effortlessly reverted back to standard charges and that seems to be alright - 25 quid a month without the headache. If you ask me, it wasn't worth the fuss and our landlady wasn't really happy. This was probably because as someone said before, some people wouldnt consider renting a metered property.

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This is the blurb from Yorkshire Water:


There's no need to worry if you change your mind, you can revert to non metered charges at a later date as long as you write to us within 12 months of the meter being installed and the original application was made by you.



We had ours put in recently and the savings are definitely building up.

Problem was that the pipework was a mess so they wouldn't install one until we'd had that sorted - it means we're not going to be making savings for a while yet...

We weren't worried about future occupants because we're just in a small flat anyway.


@mafya Yes - it could be a big problem for 4-bed house. Maybe worth calling Yorkshire Water to check on what options a future occupant would have. A four bed house could house a lot of people.


My friend had one fitted and left it till the last minute to change it and the deadline was missed.

Yorkshire water will not remove it and after the meter was stolen twice they have fitted another one and said the meter will stay for ever and if it goes missing again my friend will end up in court.

His bill is about £600 a year where as it was £385 a year for a 3 bedroom house with 3 children.

None of my properties have a water meter and it is a condition of the tenancy that a water meter is not to be installed under any circumstances.

Water meters will become like petrol pumps, the price will rise as time goes on and after 12 months you are stuck with it for ever.

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  • 5 months later...

I know this is a bit of an old thread,but it has just directed me here so if anyone could help I would be grateful. The problem is that my son has just moved and the house has a water meter inside that has a stop tap between it and the water main which is leaking. Question is, is the leaking stop tap the householders responsibility or the water companies ?

Edited by spilldig
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I know this is a bit of an old thread,but it has just directed me here so if anyone could help I would be grateful. The problem is that my son has just moved and the house has a water meter inside that has a stop tap between it and the water main which is leaking. Question is, is the leaking stop tap the householders responsibility or the water companies ?


Why don't you look on their website? I don't know if you are Severn Trent or Yorkshire Water but all the info is on there. Even if its your responsibility they sometimes help or do it for free. They usually come out and identify the problem for free if not do the repair for free. Its all on their website, even the contact number. Your Son would be better calling them to see if they can help.

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Why don't you look on their website? I don't know if you are Severn Trent or Yorkshire Water but all the info is on there. Even if its your responsibility they sometimes help or do it for free. They usually come out and identify the problem for free if not do the repair for free. Its all on their website, even the contact number. Your Son would be better calling them to see if they can help.


Yes, try phoning and asking; every time I've had any dealings with Yorkshire Water, they've been really organised and really positive and really helpful about everything - currently my favourite utility company by a distance.

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