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Bees - Please dont kill them

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We had a large and beautiful queen bee buzzing angrily around our lounge last night. Eventually she settled down on a table lamp and this morning I was able to pick her up and pop her outside........where she went merrily on her way. :)


Wasps on the other hand are a totally different kettle of fish! It appears that I'm allergic to them and each sting I get gives a worse reaction. So I'm afraid that if one gets within striking distance I either take to my heels or swat it before it can get me.

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I have a big phobia of wasps, not just scared a big big phobia, im even considering going to the doctor or something about it, as it that bad im terrified of opening the windows, if one is flying around me, i will go faint, white, hot, shakey, blurred vision, panic attack, i cant even explain how scared i am of them. a few years back a wasp got in my house and i actually locked myself and the kids in my bedroom, stuffing clothes on the bottom of the door for about 4 hours. when i finally had to go down it had gone back outside, i slammed the window shut and didnt open it for the rest of the summer......very extreme i know but i cant help it!!!


I do understand that bees wont sting unless provoked, but it doesnt stop me having a mini panic attack when a bee or fly goes passed of near me, i always think its a wasp. so now any flying insect scares me, i love summer but im dreading all this stuff for me starting up again, where ever im walking my eyes are always darting from side to side looking for them, i cant relax, i cant sunbath because as soon as i hear buzzing im instantly up and screaming, its even bad to the point of when bring my washing in ive thown it all on the floor, and ran in the house and slammed the door as ones been near me, then sat down and actually cried out of pure frustration


sooooo sorry but being totally honest if a bee comes in my house i will kill it, otherwise id never be able to relax, and i wont leave a window or door open to let it out as im too scared ill get more in or worse a wasp

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I do love bumble bees.. no they don't want t be in your house. Wasps on the other hand.. I had my window open at the beginning of spring an this massive wasp flew in.. thinkin i was doin the right thing i ushered her back out of the window and kept it closed.. after an hour or so i re opened the window an the cow came straight back in.. I noticed she was startin t build her new nest on my curtain rail!! She then had to die, do feel bad for killing a queen but i gave her a chance.. That was my bedroom!!!

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