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Bees - Please dont kill them

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I have a big phobia of wasps, not just scared a big big phobia, im even considering going to the doctor or something about it, as it that bad im terrified of opening the windows, if one is flying around me, i will go faint, white, hot, shakey, blurred vision, panic attack, i cant even explain how scared i am of them. a few years back a wasp got in my house and i actually locked myself and the kids in my bedroom, stuffing clothes on the bottom of the door for about 4 hours. when i finally had to go down it had gone back outside, i slammed the window shut and didnt open it for the rest of the summer......very extreme i know but i cant help it!!!


I do understand that bees wont sting unless provoked, but it doesnt stop me having a mini panic attack when a bee or fly goes passed of near me, i always think its a wasp. so now any flying insect scares me, i love summer but im dreading all this stuff for me starting up again, where ever im walking my eyes are always darting from side to side looking for them, i cant relax, i cant sunbath because as soon as i hear buzzing im instantly up and screaming, its even bad to the point of when bring my washing in ive thown it all on the floor, and ran in the house and slammed the door as ones been near me, then sat down and actually cried out of pure frustration


sooooo sorry but being totally honest if a bee comes in my house i will kill it, otherwise id never be able to relax, and i wont leave a window or door open to let it out as im too scared ill get more in or worse a wasp


sounds extreme, rather you than me:( i don't blame you for killing them if your that bad with them. i hate wasps and if theres one in the house it will die if i can get close enough, same goes with spiders. wouldn't kill a bee, even though i'm not keen on them either, a glass and card does the job fine

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:hihi::hihi::hihi: Post of the year goes to MANHEAD :clap:


Thankyou so much. i'd like to take this oppertunity to thank me mam and dad, i could'nt have done it without their support, a big thankyou to all my fans for making this possible, i am absoloutley overwhelmed. Thankyou :cry:

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Thankyou so much. i'd like to take this oppertunity to thank me mam and dad, i could'nt have done it without their support, a big thankyou to all my fans for making this possible, i am absoloutley overwhelmed. Thankyou :cry:

:hihi:that really tickled me:hihi:

sounds extreme, rather you than me:( i don't blame you for killing them if your that bad with them. i hate wasps and if theres one in the house it will die if i can get close enough, same goes with spiders. wouldn't kill a bee, even though i'm not keen on them either, a glass and card does the job fine


yes its very extreme, i once did a carboot with my cousin and spent most of the day running round the table from the evil sadistic wasps taunting me:hihi:


my cousin was going mad i was really embarrassing her, then when we had packed up and got in the car, the same horrible ugly wasp was still at it, oh so i thought it was the same one and it knew i was scared so was doing it on purpose:confused: it was actually headbutting the windscreen trying to get at me, i just kept thinking why wont you leave me alone you horrible little b*****d????


it was after me, they are evil nasty things in my opinion and i wish i could bring out something to spray in the air and kill every single one of the things. Id leave the bees though as without the wasps im sure my phobia of bees and flys will diminish, oh i wish:gag:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Please DO NOT kill BEES (particularly cruel and unnecessary is spraying with hairspray) They don't want to be in your house anymore than you want them there so just cover with a glass and slip a piece of card underneath to trap them and then release them outside. Bees are on the decline:sad:


Forget about honey, pollen & royal jelly. think of a world without beans, tomatoes, onions & carrots, not to mention the hundreds of other vegetables, oilseeds & fruits that are dependent on bees for pollination. & the livestock that are dependent on bee-pollinated forage plants, such as clover. No human activity or ingenuity could ever replace the work of bees & yet it is largely taken for granted. It is often not realized how simple it is to help or delay their effectiveness as crop pollinators nor how much is lost by their loss.


To United States agriculture alone, the annual value of honeybee pollination can be counted in billions of dollars. Bees pollinate about one-sixth of the world's flowering plant species and some 400 of its agricultural plants. Poorly pollinated plants produce fewer, often misshapen, fruits and lower yields of seed with inevitable consequences on quality, availability and cost of food. of the few farm activities that can actually increase yields, than basically protect existing yields from losses, is to manage bees to encourage lovely pollination. The destructive effects of the varroa mite (See varroa - a 'mitey' pest of bees), loss of wild bee nesting habitat, low world honey prices, Africanization of bees (see box) and the use of pesticides are making conservation of wild bees more important than ever.


Source: http://eliminateem.com/pest-control-services/

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I have a big phobia of wasps, not just scared a big big phobia, im even considering going to the doctor or something about it, as it that bad im terrified of opening the windows, if one is flying around me, i will go faint, white, hot, shakey, blurred vision, panic attack, i cant even explain how scared i am of them. a few years back a wasp got in my house and i actually locked myself and the kids in my bedroom, stuffing clothes on the bottom of the door for about 4 hours. when i finally had to go down it had gone back outside, i slammed the window shut and didnt open it for the rest of the summer......very extreme i know but i cant help it!!!


I do understand that bees wont sting unless provoked, but it doesnt stop me having a mini panic attack when a bee or fly goes passed of near me, i always think its a wasp. so now any flying insect scares me, i love summer but im dreading all this stuff for me starting up again, where ever im walking my eyes are always darting from side to side looking for them, i cant relax, i cant sunbath because as soon as i hear buzzing im instantly up and screaming, its even bad to the point of when bring my washing in ive thown it all on the floor, and ran in the house and slammed the door as ones been near me, then sat down and actually cried out of pure frustration


sooooo sorry but being totally honest if a bee comes in my house i will kill it, otherwise id never be able to relax, and i wont leave a window or door open to let it out as im too scared ill get more in or worse a wasp



Bees need long-lasting, undisturbed nesting sites in sunny, relatively bare patches of ground with a diversity of nectar and pollen-rich plants nearby. The greater the variety of flowering plants, the greater the number of bee species that will be attracted. One of the major risks, to both bee and plant diversity, is their separation through increasing fragmentation of wild uncultivated areas. Without bees, many flowering plants fail to set seed and without flowering plants, there is no food for bees. Leaving field margins, ditches, roadside verges and woodland edges unsprayed with chemicals, and undisturbed, does much for bee conservation.

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Please DO NOT kill BEES (particularly cruel and unnecessary is spraying with hairspray) They don't want to be in your house anymore than you want them there so just cover with a glass and slip a piece of card underneath to trap them and then release them outside. Bees are on the decline:sad:


Killing this innocent creature must be a crime.

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