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How wrong the CSA is

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It's financially acceptable for some thick slapper to lay on her back and have a dozen kids to different dads?


No morals, no questions asked = kerching!!!


Doesn't say a great deal for the thick morons who decide to dip their wick either does it.

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I receive very little money from my ex through csa and I dont always spend every penny on my son! Does this make me a bad parent? I wouldn't say so as I pay for everything for my son on a day to day basis, clothes/school uniform/food/toys etc!


But you say you don't spend all the money on your son, therefore you spend some of it on yourself (unless you give it to charity), which mean you live off your ex, but then again you are encouraged by a system that is overtly unjustified and encourages you to get as much as you can from your ex, no matter what the circumstances.

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If it wasn't for my son I would probably live in a freezing cold house with lights off and rubbish food (because I'd rather spend my money on other things!!!) What I'm trying to say is that when people are getting money from their exes they need to take into account that the kid needs warmth, entertainment, clothing, food and bricks to live in. I think most absent parents get a good deal to be honest and should actually pay much much more. Most, if not all, of my monthly income goes directly or indirectly on my son.


Don't try and fool anyone here. Yes you have to provide food, warmth and a house for your child to live in, but many many fathers would jump at the chance to provide these amenities to their off spring, its nasty women who see their child as a meal ticket who prevent fathers from being able to do the best for their chid(ren).


Providing for a child should be a 50/50 split, financially and as a parent. If one side cannot fully provide the other should take up the slack. If they both cannot then there are benefits, but your depiction of a system where you feel you pay more is wrong. In reality the CSA can take up to 40% of the NRP's salary without a care for their current circumstances, you have it very very good and you also have a whole government department at your dispersale to use as a weapon if you so wish. God help an NRP trying to get justice out of the CSA, they are judge, jury and executioner and even ignore court orders when the choose.

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