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Carrying a knife

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I was actually arrested and fined for carrying a knife, under very dodgy circumstances.

I was allowed in the local school yard at night to set up and use my telescope, in with my kit was a small sheath knife, amongst numerous lenses, rolls of film etc.


The police were out with the helicopter hunting a burglar, on searching the school grounds i was attacked by a police dog causing my scope and camera to be knocked over and damaged, around 5 or 6 other police turned up too, the dog handler seemed very apologetic, until i asked for his details as i wanted to claim for damage to my gear, soon as i mentioned it they went through my kit, found the small knife and threw me into a van.


In court i was fined £30 an was told i had no right to compensation as the items were damaged during a rightful arrest, or words to that effect.


So, do try to be nice to any officer who should question you. :suspect:


Shameful behaviour by SYP in this instance. Did they have some kind of warrant, or reasonable grounds, to carry out the search that led to them finding your knife?

Edited by Waldo
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I have loads of pocket knives mainly because my grandfather made them.I cannot believe that you can buy ,say an opinel number 7 or a bear grylls lock knife but you cannot actually be allowed to carry one.I have bought a hunting knife from amazon quite easily.I have used a knife at work for the last 30 plus years and have now got to use a stupid plastic safety knife which cannot cut its way through a paper bag making my work life harder for me,a sharp knife is safer than a blunt one.George Orwell predicted that we would be living in a totalitarian big brother society and he has got it spot on.

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I have loads of pocket knives mainly because my grandfather made them.I cannot believe that you can buy ,say an opinel number 7 or a bear grylls lock knife but you cannot actually be allowed to carry one.I have bought a hunting knife from amazon quite easily.I have used a knife at work for the last 30 plus years and have now got to use a stupid plastic safety knife which cannot cut its way through a paper bag making my work life harder for me,a sharp knife is safer than a blunt one.George Orwell predicted that we would be living in a totalitarian big brother society and he has got it spot on.


You do realise that knife crime is a big problem?

You can see what easy access to weapons does, have a look at the US and their precious right to bear arms.

Is it unreasonable to not carry a knife when you don't have a specific reason? Should you really be taking one to the pub, or to the office, or the cinema or the supermarket?

Edited by Cyclone
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You do realise that knife crime is a big problem?

You can see what easy access to weapons does, have a look at the US and their precious right to bear arms.


I realise that but you cannot tar everybody with the same brush,most of us are responsible but as per usual the actions of the few are affecting the majority.And as megalithic said he has a criminal record now just for carrying a knife with him because he is an outdoors person like myself.Get any outdoors guide and a knife is always an essential piece of kit.Trust me skinning a rabbit is difficult without a sharp locking knife.

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