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Carrying a knife

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I realise that but you cannot tar everybody with the same brush,most of us are responsible but as per usual the actions of the few are affecting the majority.And as megalithic said he has a criminal record now just for carrying a knife with him because he is an outdoors person like myself.Get any outdoors guide and a knife is always an essential piece of kit.Trust me skinning a rabbit is difficult without a sharp locking knife.


I stick a sheath knife in my pack when I'm walking or camping, sometimes even on my hip. I wouldn't carry it into castleton though, not on my hip.

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A few years back when I was a shopfitter. I carried a leatherman multitool on my belt. It was used every single day, simple tasks to save having to go back to the tool box.

One particular job, we were renovating an empty store in an out of town shopping centre. having parked my van, I was walking through the centre carrying an open tote with chisels, hammer, saw even an axe!! two police officers stopped me and enquiring about my belt pouch I showed them the multitool. I was then asked to remove it and put it in my tote and if seen carrying it again I would receive more than a warning. Yet the chisels, hammer and axe didn't get a mention!!


Go figure

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You do realise that knife crime is a big problem?

You can see what easy access to weapons does, have a look at the US and their precious right to bear arms.

Is it unreasonable to not carry a knife when you don't have a specific reason? Should you really be taking one to the pub, or to the office, or the cinema or the supermarket?


But area51 isn't going to stab anyone. I carry a knife nearly all the time - I've one on my keys for starters. I'd like the option to carry a knife that locks - it certainly widens my choices of multitool I can carry. If I was going to stab someone I'd buy cheap kitchen knife at a pound shop and store it in a cardboard sleeve down my sock until it was stabbing time, then toss it. I'm not chucking an 80 quid leatherman!


I'd like to know how many people have been stabbed with leathermens in this country - I bet it's no more than 20. Number of coppers carrying shiny new leathermens? Lots more than 20!

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Funny how life has changed.

I still have my sheath knife and leather case that I used to have permanently on my belt as I attended weekly scout meetings as an 11year old.

It was bought from the scout shop in town along with a 5 feet wooden stave.

We were pretty well armed as kids,but now I’d be fined .


When I was a lad , I had loads of sheath knifes , bowie knifes , pen and pocket knifes , due to my dad being in the trade . wish I still had them now .

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You do realise that knife crime is a big problem?

You can see what easy access to weapons does, have a look at the US and their precious right to bear arms.

Is it unreasonable to not carry a knife when you don't have a specific reason? Should you really be taking one to the pub, or to the office, or the cinema or the supermarket?

I carry one of three pocket knives I have, almost all the time. Because they're within the knife law exemption criteria (less than three inch blade, folding, non-locking) I don't need a reason to carry one.

Since the last thread on carrying knives, I've read (mostly on camping forums) that on more than one occasion the the police have been unaware of the law and given people a hard time, no matter how well within the law they are. Somebody kindly shared a printable card highlighting the relevant laws, which I now carry with me at all times (laminated in my wallet).

I'll see if I can find it online tomorrow to share.


---------- Post added 15-11-2017 at 22:52 ----------


When I was a lad , I had loads of sheath knifes , bowie knifes , pen and pocket knifes , due to my dad being in the trade . wish I still had them now .


Your name's not James by any chance, is it?

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I carry one of three pocket knives I have, almost all the time. Because they're within the knife law exemption criteria (less than three inch blade, folding, non-locking) I don't need a reason to carry one.

Since the last thread on carrying knives, I've read (mostly on camping forums) that on more than one occasion the the police have been unaware of the law and given people a hard time, no matter how well within the law they are. Somebody kindly shared a printable card highlighting the relevant laws, which I now carry with me at all times (laminated in my wallet).

I'll see if I can find it online tomorrow to share.


---------- Post added 15-11-2017 at 22:52 ----------



Your name's not James by any chance, is it?


No . when I said my dad was in the trade , he wasn't a cutler . He was a mirror polisher

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I carry one of three pocket knives I have, almost all the time. Because they're within the knife law exemption criteria (less than three inch blade, folding, non-locking) I don't need a reason to carry one.

Since the last thread on carrying knives, I've read (mostly on camping forums) that on more than one occasion the the police have been unaware of the law and given people a hard time, no matter how well within the law they are. Somebody kindly shared a printable card highlighting the relevant laws, which I now carry with me at all times (laminated in my wallet).

I'll see if I can find it online tomorrow to share.


I have a small knife on my keyring, that's what I had confiscated by G4S security on a day I had to defend myself from a parking charge (other side withdrew on the day, without sufficient notice for me to get the paperwork).

I replaced it, so I do still have it.

But I can also totally understand why there is a prohibition on locking knives when you don't have a good reason.

It's slightly awkward isn't it. I'm responsible enough to not go around stabbing people, with a 1.5" locking knife on my house keys, but too many aren't.


---------- Post added 16-11-2017 at 07:30 ----------


But area51 isn't going to stab anyone. I carry a knife nearly all the time - I've one on my keys for starters. I'd like the option to carry a knife that locks - it certainly widens my choices of multitool I can carry. If I was going to stab someone I'd buy cheap kitchen knife at a pound shop and store it in a cardboard sleeve down my sock until it was stabbing time, then toss it. I'm not chucking an 80 quid leatherman!


I'd like to know how many people have been stabbed with leathermens in this country - I bet it's no more than 20. Number of coppers carrying shiny new leathermens? Lots more than 20!


I totally agree. And it comes down to the police using discretion, which the more you hear about it, the less competent they are at doing.

Why even bother someone in working clothes, carrying a whole bunch of tools, most of which are more dangerous than the small locking knife, it's just wasting everyones time and reducing respect for the police.

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I carry one of three pocket knives I have, almost all the time. Because they're within the knife law exemption criteria (less than three inch blade, folding, non-locking) I don't need a reason to carry one.

Since the last thread on carrying knives, I've read (mostly on camping forums) that on more than one occasion the the police have been unaware of the law and given people a hard time, no matter how well within the law they are. Somebody kindly shared a printable card highlighting the relevant laws, which I now carry with me at all times (laminated in my wallet).

I'll see if I can find it online tomorrow to share.


I have a small knife on my keyring, that's what I had confiscated by G4S security on a day I had to defend myself from a parking charge (other side withdrew on the day, without sufficient notice for me to get the paperwork).

I replaced it, so I do still have it.

But I can also totally understand why there is a prohibition on locking knives when you don't have a good reason.

It's slightly awkward isn't it. I'm responsible enough to not go around stabbing people, with a 1.5" locking knife on my house keys, but too many aren't.



Unfortunately the law makes no exception for size, if it locks. I couldn't find the page I got the carry-card from but I've found my copy of the file I downloaded, posted it here. I carry that printed out credit-card size, in my wallet.

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Interestingly, in the summer I travelled to Europe for a camping trip. We went on the ferry from Hull, in a minibus and trailer.


At the customs security stop before boarding the ferry I was asked out of the vehicle and asked if anyone had any knives on them.

I said I don’t know about them, but I don’t. However, you will find a bunch in the trailer in peoples bags I imagine. I know for a fact there is a 6inch sheath knife in my bag, a sub 3 inch folder and a leatherman


The officer then told me that knives were illegal in the UK. I said no they aren’t. He said, if you say so.

I said, they are illegal to carry of over 3inches, locking, fixed etc. Without good reason.

He again said, they are illegal in the Uk.

We had a bit of a conversation about my good reason and my trip and then circled back to knives being illegal in the UK, or just to carry but full stop.


This went on for a while.....in the end he got 4 others out of the van and put us through the metal detector.

In the building with the detector, he pointed to a big sign that said it is illegal to carry a knife in the UK and a big case of confiscated knives.

I said, your sign is wrong and we went on our way.


It was an odd encounter with an official that presumably was purposefully mis representing the law to me, because if he wasn’t why did he let us on our way with my confession that I had a bunch of ‘illegal’ knives in my trailer?


Afterwards, and you always think of the best lines after.....when he was saying that knives over 3 inches were illegal in the UK, I wish I’d said “if that’s the case, how do you carve your turkey at Christmas, or are you confessing to owning an illegal knife?”

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