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Census Day - make Lockheed Martin pay

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Who are Lockheed Martin? They are an American weapons company that makes Trident missiles and cluster bombs. They also have connections with the CIA, FBI and Guantánamo Bay.


I have just found out that they also won the contract to process the 2011 Census. Nothing like a free market economy is there? Read more here.

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They also make lots of good stuff.


The HST was built by Lockheed Martin.


Whilst it may be fun, and reassuringly anarchic to make them pay - is there any guarantee that LM have negotiated a final, unchanging, cost to the exchequer for processing the census?


What I mean is, if we all make our census returns such that they must be manually read - thus taking more time and money to process, do we think Lockheed will simply shrug there shoulders and take the hit, or do we think the final bill presented to government will be higher?


Having said that, playing havoc with the barcodes is too tempting to resist.

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Can't say I'm happy about it but with a £1000 fine there isn't much choice. Probably be labelled a conspiracy theorist here, but even though we're reassured none of the data will leave the UK or it's jurisdictions, I'm sure a company like Lockheed Martin have the ways and means to get all the data exported to the US.

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Probably be labelled a conspiracy theorist here, but even though we're reassured none of the data will leave the UK or it's jurisdictions, I'm sure a company like Lockheed Martin have the ways and means to get all the data exported to the US...
...and cross-ref it with the NSA and Homeland Security (you forgot to add ;):D)
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Here's a more comprehensive guide to making the form non-machine readable (nmr)



It recognises the need for a census, and claims that by making the forms nmr, lockheed will have to pay out millions extra for clerical workers to manually transcribe the data.


My question is - will Lockheed pass this extra cost onto us or not? I suspect they will.


I think it would be more interesting if under "religions" enough people put "The Church of Lockheed Martin Sucks Arse" for it to be officially recorded in the census results.

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Here's a more comprehensive guide to making the form non-machine readable (nmr)



It recognises the need for a census, and claims that by making the forms nmr, lockheed will have to pay out millions extra for clerical workers to manually transcribe the data.


My question is - will Lockheed pass this extra cost onto us or not? I suspect they will.


I think it would be more interesting if under "religions" enough people put "The Church of Lockheed Martin Sucks Arse" for it to be officially recorded in the census results.


I'm with the NSS on this one, we ALL tick 'No religion'. I was a Jedi Knight last time.

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I'm with the NSS on this one, we ALL tick 'No religion'. I was a Jedi Knight last time.
I think 'Jedi Knight' would still get you into the US (on a Visa application cross-ref'd with your census data), as there's more of them there than here. Alternatively, 'Christian' or 'Hebrew' is good too.


But 'No Religion', or 'Muslim', and I'm afraid you'll likely have to take a pass on that Florida/California/Vegas/Disney holiday :(



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Nobody except a few anti-war activists will give a rats ass about Lockheed-Martin and it's involvement in your census as you will find out

It's a global economy, they won the bid, get used to it.

Anyway, it's far better to have Lockheed-Martin processing nothing more than a paperwork operation than having BP in the Gulf destroying the environment and it's CEO bleating like a lost sheep that he didn't know how to stop the leak

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Nobody except a few anti-war activists will give a rats ass about Lockheed-Martin and it's involvement in your census as you will find out
You're likely not wrong there. For shame :(


Some information, or particular collections of information (e.g. a census giving a comprehensive and highly-detailed snapshot of a country's entire population, complete with names, etc.) should always remain the preserve of governmental agencies (collation, processing etc. and all) and should never be disclosed to the private sector/outside borders.


The potential risk for misuse/accidental disclosure is just too great, all considerations of 'conspiracy theories' fully cast aside.


Note that I would have a different opinion, were the information both anonymised and not as comprehensive.

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