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Census Day - make Lockheed Martin pay

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You're likely not wrong there. For shame :(


Some information, or particular collections of information (e.g. a census giving a comprehensive and highly-detailed snapshot of a country's entire population, complete with names, etc.) should always remain the preserve of governmental agencies (collation, processing etc. and all) and should never be disclosed to the private sector/outside borders.


The potential risk for misuse/accidental disclosure is just too great, all considerations of 'conspiracy theories' fully cast aside.



If you have credit of any sort, taken out a bank loan, served in the armed forces, paid income tax, drawn a pension, voted in an election, have a social security number the government know all about you already. I'm sure your particualr religious beliefs are very much of secondary interest and there is no need to get paranoid about restrictions on foreign travel either.


Carrying out a census is nothing to get upset over and it helps the government get some idea where allocations for various funds and benefits should be prioritized.


As for Lockheed-Martin they are a corporation that employ thousands of people all over the world, many of them sub-contractors.

Boeing Aircraft Corporation and Airbus also provide military hardware to many countries all over the world. Are you going to boycott their passenger jets next time you need to travel? Good luck on finding an alternative L.O.L

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Anyway, it's far better to have Lockheed-Martin processing nothing more than a paperwork operation than having BP in the Gulf destroying the environment and it's CEO bleating like a lost sheep that he didn't know how to stop the leak

You say that like it's some kind of diabolical either/or situation.


It's far better to have a not-for-profit census than a for-profit one.


It's far better to have no oil leak, than an oil leak.


These things I hold to be self-evident.

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You say that like it's some kind of diabolical either/or situation.


It's far better to have a not-for-profit census than a for-profit one.


It's far better to have no oil leak, than an oil leak.


These things I hold to be self-evident.


Why particularly? If it's paranoia about big corporations constantly resorting to corruption and other evil deeds I dont buy that.

Carrying out a census on a population of some 70 million people might need considerably more know how and technology to hand than that which a non-profit agency could adequately provide for such an undertaking nor even if it got the bid could afford to purchase to satisfactorily fufil the contract

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i thought it was Capita who are doing the census


It is - the other mob are merely data holders - btw the saved data in its raw format is anonymous.


You give more information every day to Tesco and Sainsburys than you are disclosing on a census form.

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having BP in the Gulf destroying the environment and it's CEO bleating like a lost sheep that he didn't know how to stop the leak


Is this the same BP that is mostly American now? The same BP that employed US contractors to do the work?


The lady doth protest too much:hihi:.

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