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Census Day - make Lockheed Martin pay

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Why would you feel threatened or uneasy about processing of data by a foreign company? Lockheed-Martin are not your enemy and why and how would they use it for strategic purposes?
It's not about feeling threatened (I don't particularly) nor about LM being my enemy (they're not).


Simply put, the UK Gvt cannot control what ulterior use they (or a third party legally or illegally acquiring the data from them) may make of the data.


As LM is a profit-driven organisation, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that this data or parts of it may be used for some sort of commercial purpose at a later stage. As LM is a US organisation, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that this data or parts of it may be disclosed to the US Gvt under a relevant legal requirement.


So far as I am concerned, I would object to at least my personal data being used or obtained in this way (since I have always gone out of my way to volunteer as little of it as possible, only ever as much of it as is legally required in any circumstances).

Knowing the etnic makeup, population size, number of kids, sexes and incomes would be hardly useful for much outside of what it was intended to achieve.
You haven't seen a UK Census form lately, have you? There's a tad much more info than the above.

As I mentioned earlier a census serves to give the government some idea which parts of the country should get special funding for education, development and other types of social aid. I would say that a city like present day Sheffield would definitely benefit from this.
And as I mentioned earlier, I don't have any issue with completing and returning a Census form for such purposes (which I have always fully understood, 'ta very much ;))

I reckon this thread is all sour grapes because a Yank company got the contract and Yank phobes are as numerous on here as weeds on a bomb site
Perhaps from some, but not from here. I have family in the US, so has my wife, so you can count me out of that particular loop.
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I think 'Jedi Knight' would still get you into the US (on a Visa application cross-ref'd with your census data), as there's more of them there than here. Alternatively, 'Christian' or 'Hebrew' is good too.


But 'No Religion', or 'Muslim', and I'm afraid you'll likely have to take a pass on that Florida/California/Vegas/Disney holiday :(




If you're flying to the United States, 'Hebrew' is the only thing to be.


I learnt a long time ago that Kosher meals beat the crap out of 'chicken ding'.:hihi::hihi:

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I understand that failing to complete a census form will render you liable to a fine.


What's the fine for telling porkies making a wholly understandable mistake or even 'mis-speakingwriting on the form?


If the data is not going to be released for 100 years, how is anybody going to know? If they do catch up with you in 100 years time, will that worry you?

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Why would you feel threatened or uneasy about processing of data by a foreign company? Lockheed-Martin are not your enemy and why and how would they use it for strategic purposes? Knowing the etnic makeup, population size, number of kids, sexes and incomes would be hardly useful for much outside of what it was intended to achieve.

As I mentioned earlier a census serves to give the government some idea which parts of the country should get special funding for education, development and other types of social aid. I would say that a city like present day Sheffield would definitely benefit from this


I reckon this thread is all sour grapes because a Yank company got the contract and Yank phobes are as numerous on here as weeds on a bomb site


If the census only asked for that then your argument would have more weight. I don't however want my govt knowing some of the invasive questions that are asked - let alone a foreign power with laxer controls on data integrity.

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It's not about feeling threatened (I don't particularly) nor about LM being my enemy (they're not).


Simply put, the UK Gvt cannot control what ulterior use they (or a third party legally or illegally acquiring the data from them) may make of the data.


As LM is a profit-driven organisation, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that this data or parts of it may be used for some sort of commercial purpose at a later stage. As LM is a US organisation, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that this data or parts of it may be disclosed to the US Gvt under a relevant legal requirement.


So far as I am concerned, I would object to at least my personal data being used or obtained in this way (since I have always gone out of my way to volunteer as little of it as possible, only ever as much of it as is legally required in any circumstances).

You haven't seen a UK Census form lately, have you? There's a tad much more info than the above.

And as I mentioned earlier, I don't have any issue with completing and returning a Census form for such purposes (which I have always fully understood, 'ta very much ;))

Perhaps from some, but not from here. I have family in the US, so has my wife, so you can count me out of that particular loop.




I'll repeat again from an earlier post the government know all about you already more than likely if you pay taxes, are on the NHS and have a Social Security number. Governments, credit bureaus, private businesses all have files on you and this information can be accessed easily in the vast computer network and more than likely 85 percent all ends up in a central data bank so if you're concerned about privacy there's not point in worrying about it these days.



Before I was issued a visa to visit China I had to fill in a form two pages long

and they wanted to know just about everything except which brand of toothpaste I use. . THe FBI have my fingerprints on record as does the military. I had no problem in supplying this information. The only information I wont supply to anyone is my Social Security number which is as good as opening a big door to my credit history and much more information - always an invitation to identity theft.


My wife once sent a donation to a local animal shelter, about fifty dollars I think and from then on we received a barrage of letters from animal shelters all over the country asking for donations. Computers and the ability to gather vast amounts of data have made personal privacy a thing of the past so I dont worry a damn about it even if it goes to foreign countries.


If one day you wish to visit the US they will ask you plenty of questions first I'm sure.

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If the census only asked for that then your argument would have more weight. I don't however want my govt knowing some of the invasive questions that are asked - let alone a foreign power with laxer controls on data integrity.


What are the invasive questions for example? I filled out a US census form about 18 months ago and dont remember half the questions asked although none of them were what I would call invasive.

Maybe the UK government are a bit nosier. I dont know.

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I love Americans, except for Palin, Huckabee, GOP, Prolifers, Westboro, Glen Beck et al. It's getting a bit scary over there you have to admit. I can see your womenfolk walking round in veils soon, having to be chaparoned.


These people are no big deal. I dont like any of them either but the individuals you mention are just people who make noise in the media and that's about all. They are protected by the first amendment


In a country of 300 million with hundreds of different mother tonues and cultures they are not even a pimple on an elephant's backside


I would without any hesitation whatsoever say that freedom and democracy have never been healthier than they are today.

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I haven't even received a UK census form.


Can I demand a recount?


(Is the form available online? - If so, where?)


If you dont currently reside in the UK you probably wont get one. They dont want to know about all the deserters

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I'll repeat again from an earlier post the government know all about you already more than likely if you pay taxes, are on the NHS and have a Social Security number.
We're going round in circles, here.


I've already explained plenty that I don't have an issue with the Gvt knowing all about me. The French Gvt has more data about me than the British and Irish Gvts put together, it also has my fingerprints on records, a full (as full as medically possible) health check and a full character/background investigation by the RGs (complete with Gumshoe types-asking-questions-on-doorsteps-of-past teachers/friends/employers/acquaintances) for security clearance purposes...I sometimes shudder to think what ex-GFs will have contributed to my file :D


But I do have an issue with personal data I have never -and would never- volunteer to a commercial company, being sent to a commercial company for processing without my knowledge.


Particularly when the commercial company is non-EU-foreign and therefore not subject to UK or even European Laws & Statutes as regards basic data confidentiality protection.


Had the Census form clearly been labelled to that effect (your-data-will-be-processed-by-a-foreign-private-contractor-bla-bla-bla), I would certainly have thought twice about what data I put in, and I would have looked into the legals surrounding the Census effort with a great deal more scrutiny.

If one day you wish to visit the US they will ask you plenty of questions first I'm sure.
I've visited the US plenty already (for business and pleasure) and I can't really say that they have.


At least, on the small "are-you-a-terrorist?" checklist thingy or at the "I'm-God-here"-staffed customs/homeland security desk :hihi:


Different kettle of fish at the boarding gate, where, whenenever I fly to the US (I fly plenty of other destinations very frequently, but this only ever happens on US-bound flights :huh:), I'm always pulled from the line by the knuckle-draggers (air marshalls? :huh:) for a look-see-frisk and answer-a-few-questions session.


Must be the mediterranean looks and/or complexion. And/or the French passport. And/or I do look well hard :hihi:

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