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Census Day - make Lockheed Martin pay

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We're going round in circles, here.


I've already explained plenty that I don't have an issue with the Gvt knowing all about me. The French Gvt has more data about me than the British and Irish Gvts put together, it also has my fingerprints on records, a full (as full as medically possible) health check and a full character/background investigation by the RGs (complete with Gumshoe types-asking-questions-on-doorsteps-of-past teachers/friends/employers/acquaintances) for security clearance purposes...I sometimes shudder to think what ex-GFs will have contributed to my file :D


But I do have an issue with personal data I have never -and would never- volunteer to a commercial company, being sent to a commercial company for processing without my knowledge.


Particularly when the commercial company is non-EU-foreign and therefore not subject to UK or even European Laws & Statutes as regards basic data confidentiality protection.


Had the Census form clearly been labelled to that effect (your-data-will-be-processed-by-a-foreign-private-contractor-bla-bla-bla), I would certainly have thought twice about what data I put in, and I would have looked into the legals surrounding the Census effort with a great deal more scrutiny.

I've visited the US plenty already (for business and pleasure) and I can't really say that they have.


At least, on the small "are-you-a-terrorist?" checklist thingy or at the "I'm-God-here"-staffed customs/homeland security desk :hihi:


Different kettle of fish at the boarding gate, where, whenenever I fly to the US (I fly plenty of other destinations very frequently, but this only ever happens on US-bound flights :huh:), I'm always pulled from the line by the knuckle-draggers (air marshalls? :huh:) for a look-see-frisk and answer-a-few-questions session.


Must be the mediterranean looks and/or complexion. And/or the French passport. And/or I do look well hard :hihi:



They are only doing their job.

We're all payning the price for acts of terrorism. I dont like having to put my shoes and personal belongings in a box and having a bottle of water confiscated which I just bought at a Boots store in Heathrow. The security official made me empty my carry on and ran some kind of hand held wand inside and outsdie the bag to check for traces of explosives.

I dont know what Heathrow is like now the new international terminal is up and running but that airport used to be the hardest and most trying place to check in, pass through security and get to the departure lounge which what seemed like a half mile trek from the security area.

I can understand all the security checks though given that Britain is one of the western countries that has a serious problem with some of it's Islamic population


On the subject of Lockheed-Martin your government dont seem to think there is a problem with confidential information being in the possession of a private company in a non-EU country. I dont think very many people are concerned about it as there would have been widespread public protests already and I know you wont be getting calls from US based businesses trying to sell you time shares in Arizona

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