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How do you manage to get a decent nights sleep?

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This reminds me of the old guy goes to see the doctor as he can’t sleep.

The doctor says, “Have you tried having a drink at night?”

The old guy says, “Oh yes, I have three or four pints at the pub, then when I get home I have a couple of glasses of wine and a few brandys........then just before I get into bed, I have a couple of large scotches as a nightcap”


“What???” The doctor says “.... and you can’t sleep ??”


“No..” he says, “..... I’m up half the night........singing”

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This reminds me of the old guy goes to see the doctor as he can’t sleep.

The doctor says, “Have you tried having a drink at night?”

The old guy says, “Oh yes, I have three or four pints at the pub, then when I get home I have a couple of glasses of wine and a few brandys........then just before I get into bed, I have a couple of large scotches as a nightcap”


“What???” The doctor says “.... and you can’t sleep ??”


“No..” he says, “..... I’m up half the night........singing”


or going to the toilet.:hihi:

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I tend to vary. Sometimes I can go to sleep straight away (I start work at 6 every morning) and if I've been particularly busy I'm more than ready for my bed later on. I'm a dab hand at nodding off downstairs before going to bed but have no problems going back to sleep when I wake up and go to bed properly. Occasionally I have a drink and that helps (goes without saying really). On the occasions when I can't get to sleep I just lie in bed and close my eyes straight away and focus my mind on deep sleep. works a treat.

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Do you go straight to bed after you've been on your PC? If you don't have 'down time' between PC and bed your brain may be in overdrive and not ready to settle down.


I always feel on a high after coming off my comp after midnight, so I always wind down by reading in bed for a while, until I feel my eyes closing.

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all the above, or alcohol


I only have a drink at weekends. Tonight I have had the girls round for a vino night and and had a bottle and half of wine. Im still wide awake. If I go to bed now, I'll be awake again about 4-5am. Alcohol really isnt the way I'd like to go, but it also doesnt seem to do the trick when I do have it.


Really wear yourself out in the day...

An early evening gym session (so straight after work at 5pm)

A warm milky drink before bed...

Not having a heavy meal too close to bed time....

Not doing any "work" or using the laptop in the bedroom. Trying not to use the laptop too close to bed time...

Listening to gentle/calming music...

Laying still with your eyes closed and focussing on your breathing...

Or the one which really works for me, laying on my tummy... I fall straight to sleep when I'm on my tummy :)


Hope that helps!

(from someone who used to have sleep related issues - but now has just fallen in love with sleep!)


I have no trouble sleeping, but have a few relaxation tapes, with the sounds of the ocean, which are very soothing.


I really find it hard to relax. Ive tried chilling out to gentle music to no avail.


same here!


i think you are insomniac.


Anything over a month of not maintaining a decent sleep pattern is classed as chronic insomnia, according to wikipedia. Scary stuff! I dont want to obsess and look too far into my problem as it could make it worse, but Im definately interested on how I improve on it.


I don't mean to bring this out of a family friendly discussion, but I remember reading that an orgasm just before you try to sleep is as effective as a sleeping pill, apparently.


I find that making love does the trick,feel all chilled and relaxed after that,and another is a few beers or a good workout at the gym.they all do the trick.


Hmm..Its funny you should mention this. I do find it is when im the most relaxed. The contented and chilled out feeling you get definately helps..


What time do you go to bed and what do you do when you wake up after your 3 - 4 hours sleep? Do you wake up worrying or thinking about anything?


I usually go to bed around 12-1am and am awake about 4-5am. I'll be awake a couple of hours and then doze on and off for the rest of the time.

Like most people, I have worries. I do tend to have my mind on overdrive alot. I SO wish I didnt..

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