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British secret police .

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Mi5 why is it not referred to the Governments secret police ?


We all know states like Egypt , Libya and north Korea had / have them


Do they and would they operate in the same way ?


Eg protecting Government policy at all costs ! Above any laws ? - no matter what ?

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Mi5 why is it not referred to the Governments *secret police *?


We all know states like Egypt , Libya and north Korea had / have them ,*


Do they and would they operate in the same way ?*


Eg protecting Government policy at all costs ! Above any laws ? - no matter what ?


MI5 are just a front for the real secret police who worship the devil and are working for the NWO and Bilderberg. Their real name is * - are you a member?

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Because 'Mi5' is not the government's secret police.


MI5 is what the government want you to think is the secret police.


The real government secret police live in Moldovia and most of them are called 'Boris' (apart from the one who lives in Islington, who is also called Boris but doesn't spend much time in Moldovia, 'cos his bird won't let him.)

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MI5 are just a front for the real secret police who worship the devil and are working for the NWO and Bilderberg. Their real name is * - are you a member?


No comon


Ghadaffi secret police and others forces , are normaly in charges of baisicaly public obedience to the system of Goverment ! Protecting / enforceing by all means , above the law and operating in secrecy !


Would the British version enforce it's polical views ?

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What makes you think that the British version [of whatever you're talking about] is political views:huh:



It is obvious Rupert that a nations secret police force is only there to protect the Goverments political views using any means possible ( be it torture by saddams police or waterboarding by CIA.


So mi5 proteting us or like the CIA they protect it's interests abroad ?



Are they there to protect the Goverment ? Like other counties ?


Can't be us ( as we are not allowed too know )


Or is it the royal family ? Is it her majestys secret service isn't it ?

(It is also only logical to assume they use the SAS as one of thier tool)



My point is what is gona stop them using tactics like other secret security forces do .

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MI5 are referred to as the security service. MI5 are responsible for protecting the British Mainland and any threats that maybe made against it. Whether they be from within the mainland or from outside.


MI6 are the Secret (ooh errrr conspiracy theorists) Intelligence Service. They're responsible for maintaining the safety and security of British interests abroad i.e. Falkland Islands and every single British Embassy.


The reason things are kept secret is not because of some huge conspiracy it's because people are stupid.


A person when presented with information they find challenging and disturbing will analyse and interpret that information into a coherent argument.


People will always look for the easy way out. It was someone else's fault, I don't understand therefore someone is lying, it's all the freemasons/illuminati/alumni/Muad dib etc. etc.


Just because someone doesn't understand something doesn't mean things are being withheld it could just be that they're a bit stupid.


Also MI5/6 have no power of arrest or detention they are tools to gather intelligence.

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MI5 are referred to as the security service. MI5 are responsible for protecting the British Mainland and any threats that maybe made against it. Whether they be from within the mainland or from outside.


MI6 are the Secret (ooh errrr conspiracy theorists) Intelligence Service. They're responsible for maintaining the safety and security of British interests abroad i.e. Falkland Islands and every single British Embassy.




Fair enough. So what do 18,19,21 and 26 (to name a few) do then?


If I were you, I'd check that my tinfoil helmet doesn't have any cracks in it, truthlogic.


Here's lookin atcher, babe ;)

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Are they there to protect the Goverment ? Like other counties ?


Such as Lancashire?


Can't be us ( as we are not allowed too know )


Is it her majestys secret service isn't it ?


You'd be amazed if you knew how many people she controls.


All those people (some of them driving buses) who's sole purpose is to chwck on you. Yes, YOU truthlogic.


Everywhere you go in Sheffield, you are filmed. That's you personally (they know who you are through this forum.)


My point is what is gona stop them using tactics like other secret security forces do .


Such as? Waterboarding is off the menu this week (something to do with the drought) but next week they've already booked 4 (or is it 5?) unmarked government cars to be 'ready' outside your house.


If I was you, I'd start burning stuff (and cleaning your hard drive) right now.

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