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Panorama reveals the real story behind the country’s revolution.

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If you think the banks and the USA really have so much power then it's you who has the western-capitalist-centric worldview.


no friend , ITS the BANKS which control the American Government


this is evident by the Privately owned and controlled Federal reserve

and the Goldman Sacs employ appointments to high places of Office







I don't think whether the footage of the riots in Egypt is really of very much consequence. Nor is your analysis of it accurate as they had Bowen and Simpson right there in the middle of it in glorious technicolor.


ive not seen Simpson , but yes at least one report in early days of protests


but as soon as live ammunition started to be used, we have incredibly grainy vids posted , zero sign of reporters , and disconnection of feeds.


compared to Libya we have the time to make a Panaroma programme while British Bombs are falling a few hundred miles away!


very fair and balanced!


Your idea that now is the time which the west would have chosen to topple Gaddafi is bizarre. Yes, they wanted rid of him for decades, but for the last ten or so years they have been desperate for stability, hence propping him up. They're dealing with him now because they don't want the country to descend into anarchy - something is going to change, and they don't want it to be either a bloodbath of the Libyan people or the replacement of Gaddafi's regime with a worse one.



have been desperate for stability ? hence why they accepted him back?


wow that is a very ignorant thing to say when it is evidence he signed Oil contracts which favoured him !

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I see * that there's * a documentary on BBC currently (http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00zv8gf/This_World_20102011_Nicolas_Sarkozy_President_BlingBling/) about Sarkozy **, maybe he's next.







no friend we are actually Bombings Libya ! and AT THE same time using a Government propaganda machine BBC, to make the Public feel it is a Right thing to do!



its the same with Iran, BBC given Millions to Set up a new channel JUST for the Iranian Population!


right we Gona put you under decades of sanctions

remove your democratic government

threaten you with nuclear war

you are not allowed any nuclear technology

we will sponsor a war against you which killed millions






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its a fact that western governments use their powers to install dictators, overthrow regimes which are not compliant to them!


Libya has all the hallmarks of a CIA/Mi5 intestigated coup !


hence the special forces caught red handed


almost immediate bombings of targets!


the mass propaganda used by the media to sanction regime change!


we did not see any in depth reports into Egypt Rev because Mubarak was a western backed Dictator given Billions each year!


and here we now have calls for war crimes , sanctions , etc etc





west has wanted Ghaddafi out for over 40 years and now they have the audacity to say he is NOT a target!


So the New World Order, Banks etc and their puppet the USA that control EVERYTHING in the world have not been able to dethrone Ghaddafi for over 40 years. So, just how powerful are they?

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right we Gona put you under decades of sanctions

remove your democratic government

threaten you with nuclear war

you are not allowed any nuclear technology

we will sponsor a war against you which killed millions


that, or at least the underlying premise, has been the foreign policy of every european state, with the exception of san marino, for the last 800 years.






and why shouldn't we provide an alternative to the anti-almost everyone propaganda of the state controlled iranian media?

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has the western Governments been trying to get rid of Ghadaffi for 40 years?



have western governments been involved in over 50+ regime changes over the last few decades? YES



yes yes he is a bad dictator but the ONLY reason why the media and Government have Brainwashed you into thinking he is soo bad is due to him NOT being a western propped up Dictator !


hence the totally different types of media coverage for say the Egypt revolution and the Libya coup!




I think I can see where you're coming from though - I think you've simplified things to allow you to make sense of them (nothing wrong with that, in fact it's almost always neccessary), and have drawn conclusions based on those simplifications. Unfortunately, you seem to be under the impression that the situations in Libya and Egypt are the same - the people rising up against the incumbent dictators - and therefore everything surrounding that it also the same.


The main difference which affects the media coverage is that Egypt is a very westernised nation, and all of the people involved in the struggles were very aware that the battle could be won and lost through the media. This resulted in both factions trying to gain control of what was being shown in Egypt and around the world. The incumbents had a significant advantage, and exercised that advantage by closing most of the worldwide's medias offices, revoking accreditation (which you need to legally operate there), and revoking broadcast licences (to the extent of blocking Aljazerra's transmissions). On top of this, there was a significant number of very rich people who's entire livelyhoods depended on there not being a regime change, and they mobilised their own forces to "put the willies up" the media, with at least one American reported being kidnapped, beaten and raped by pro-government supporters, and one BBC reporter appearing on air bleeding minutes after being released from a secret police administered beating. As a result, it became very difficult and dangerous for any of the world's media to get on the street.


Domestically, the state run media had a fine line to walk - it had to show that it was independant (otherwise the rioters would have turned on them), but without upsetting the incumbants. The president used this to his advantage by continuously giving people hope that he was about to stand down, but instead spending significants amount of time stressing how important he was for stability.


Meanwhile, over in Libya, we have Gaddafi - who's been known to be a bit of a fruitcake for several years - who has the media know-all of the Iraqi Information Minister from Iraq 2 (This Time it's Personal), using his state run media to simply reiterate that he is president, and there's nothing anyone can do about that, and anybody who disagrees with him is obviously taking drugs supplied by al quida. The people rising up against him are more media savvy, and are helping the worldwide media to broadcast from their controlled areas. In the Government controlled areas, worldwide media are escorted by Libyan authorities and are limited in their access. Neither group want the world to see them fighting, so while they're supporting the media to report their cause, they won't let them get on the front line - this all adds together to make reporting in Libya, despite the war, to be safer than in Egypt.


Whether or not you believe we should have started this action against Gaddafi, you can not argue that because the BBC have shown footage of homes bombed by Government forces in Libya but not in Egypt this is propaganda. If not for what I wrote above, but because the Government in Egypt never took to attacking their own people from the air.


Please get a sense of perspective - more people have died every day in the last two weeks in Libya at the hands of their own government than died in any of the fighting in Egypt in total. The two countries are not going through the same thing, and they will not be reported in the same manner.

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So the New World Order, Banks etc and their puppet the USA that control EVERYTHING in the world have not been able to dethrone Ghaddafi for over 40 years. So, just how powerful are they?


Sometimes sending exploding cigars won't get rid of a leader who won't play ball! ( Cuba )


Some times sending in hundreds and thousands of soliders have to be sent too inavde (Iraq )



Some times a CIA funded coup will do ( Iran )


Some times that coup don't work ( Hugo Chavez )



Sometimes you have to wait for world war 3 ( north Korea , Iran )


How can you be so blind to the fact that western powers always fund coups and executions of leaders they don't likE?

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