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Panorama reveals the real story behind the country’s revolution.

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1, Kabul has seen anti occupation demonsatrions for years and never covered! That is a fact!




And this in a report by the BBC about civilian casualties being killed by Nato forces - sounds like the kind of thing you say the BBC don't report on.


So, maybe not a fact.


Why is it such a surprise to you that the BBC will send reporters near (the operative word) in Libya the front line, yet they :o pulled their reporters out of Tahrir Square once the protesters were being fired on? Neither scenario is safe, yet they have to make a judgement in order to ensure their reporters survive long enough to file their report.


The reports I have seen from near the Libya frontline have often involved the reporters fleeing when the fighting gets too close. Apparently they shouldn't have pulled out of Tahrir Square when the police started firing on them, so maybe you think they should be standing in the middle on no-mans land between the opposing forces in Libya?

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"truthlogic", I've said this before, the situation in Egypt and Libya is NOT the same. Stop expecting them to be treated the same.


Exactly. Take these two hypothetical situations.


1) An open battle is being fought. There is the opportunity to get near the front-line, near enough to engage with actual fighters. Vehicles will be able to get in and out of the area easily, so if things get a bit too ugly reporters can pull back. It's straightforward for the news crews to be accompanied by minders who will not become separated from them.


2) A very large volatile protest is being held in an enclosed public space. There's a tightly packed crowd. Exiting the area in a vehicle is not an option should things turn nasty. Police and military are starting to get a bit tetchy. In the big crowd it's easy for people to become separated from each other.


Do you really think situations like this could, or even should, be reported in the same way? One unfortunate CBS reporter got separated from her minders with tragic consequences, and that was at the hands of the protesters rather than the military!

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Talking of intervention, why haven't we bombed Bahrain or Yemen ? - for their continued killings of civilians ?


Because the deaths are in the tens and hundreds, and not yet in the thousands and tens of thousands.


Because the bombing of Libya is being conducted under a (loosely interpreted) pair of resolutions from the United Nations Security Council.


Because the Arab League voted overwhelmingly to refer Gadaffi's extremely violent, brutal and military suppression of the eastern separatists to the United Nations Security Council for action.


Because not one of the fifteen members of the United Nations Security Council voted against the resolution which authorised the use of military force to protect many thousands of people under direct threat of heavy bombardment by military forces.


Because the situations in Yemen and Bahrain are far less serious, and no-one has yet referred either situation to the Security Council.


Those are some of the reasons.

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No, it isn't, it is a lie. They have been covered, just not every week - there isn't a story in the same thing happening every week. "protests still happening as they have every week for the last few years" isn't interesting.




When a BBC reporter was injured actually - you know, those people that the BBC has a legal duty to protect...


You don't know what the word "fact" means. You use it to try and hide your lies. You are quite simply the biggest liar on this forum.


yes im a liar as you dont like what i say



i say world leaders perform mock child sacrifices and all you did was scream and cry out loud that i was a liar

you were so upset you even changed my title and closed by thread!


screaming liar without providing evidence to the contrary is proving to me you are violently apposing the truth ( which is only the first step of acceptance )

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Because the deaths are in the tens and hundreds, and not yet in the thousands and tens of thousands.

which thousands were killed in Libya? as we remember it protesters armed themselves and marched all the way to the outskirts of tripoli!


im not saying Ghaddafi did not kill or was about too kill


the point is very simple


800+ dead in Egypt and west used soft words asking for diplomacy

and still not one has been held accountable for those 800+ murdered!




Because the bombing of Libya is being conducted under a (loosely interpreted) pair of resolutions from the United Nations Security Council.


who would have thought protecting the civilians would involve massive bombing campaign, and encouraging the rebels to fight on?


were the hell did diplomacy go?


Because the Arab League voted overwhelmingly to refer Gadaffi's extremely violent, brutal and military suppression of the eastern separatists to the United Nations Security Council for action.


same arab league who are dictators them selves?

same arab league who have been killing protesters?






Because the situations in Yemen and Bahrain are far less serious, and no-one has yet referred either situation to the Security Council.


Those are some of the reasons.


by whose account? BBCs? or yours?


at least 15+ people are being killed every day in yemen!


Bahrain has been invaded by a foreign force!


Egypt 800+ dead, hundreds still in prison, thousands injured!


of coarse this is about OIL!

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its a fact that western governments use their powers to install dictators, overthrow regimes which are not compliant to them!


Libya has all the hallmarks of a CIA/Mi5 intestigated coup !


hence the special forces caught red handed


almost immediate bombings of targets!


the mass propaganda used by the media to sanction regime change!


we did not see any in depth reports into Egypt Rev because Mubarak was a western backed Dictator given Billions each year!


and here we now have calls for war crimes , sanctions , etc etc





west has wanted Ghaddafi out for over 40 years and now they have the audacity to say he is NOT a target!




your wasted on SF logic. gadaffi's in desperate need of a speech writer like you

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So we have one radio reporter and crew, plus a TV reporter and crew. That's a total of about half a dozen people. So your comment is already incorrect.


i did not say they never had any one of the ground!

when people started to get killed ( 800+ ) on the streets in front of them




Used grainy footage instead!


removed their reporters!


With the main part of the Egypt/Mubarek uprising being completed inside 96hours


sigh,,,, i dont whant to be rude and call you a liar or ill informed!

but were did you get that figure of 96 hours from?


25 January - 11 February( when mubarak steeped down ) is NOT 96 hours

(please note massive demonstrations still took place after that and still too this day! thousands still demanding change and for loved ones to be freed from prisons )







yes John simpson has been at the front and has even had american bombs fall on directly on top of him!


even now bbc journalists are at the front in Libya being shot at"




but a few rocks scared them away in Egypt~!


but a few threats by a regime which is given Billions by the west managed to turn bbc cameras OFF!


dont you know we are talking about regimes which are either sponsored by western governments and others which have been previously bombed by them


of coarse western median will be bias!

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And this in a report by the BBC about civilian casualties being killed by Nato forces - sounds like the kind of thing you say the BBC don't report on.


So, maybe not a fact.




deaths on each side are not covered fairly this is a fact!

example: bcc has never covered the thousands of bombs dropped on Pakistan by american drones! i doubt majority of Brits or Americans have seen the devastation death and misery caused by these strikes?!!


( come on kido even the military hides civilians deaths )


BBC will never show Brit soldiers being killed or injured in Combat.


BBC will not report the deaths of american soldiers ( 6 which were killed about 5 days ago )






Why is it such a surprise to you that the BBC will send reporters near (the operative word) in Libya the front line, yet they :o pulled their reporters out of Tahrir Square once the protesters were being fired on?


ok so in your mind egypt was more dangerous than Libya?

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your wasted on SF logic. gadaffi's in desperate need of a speech writer like you


yeah what ever! if Ghadaffi played ball with the Oil companies he probably would still be in power! asking for 70% was too greedy - cue the regime change!

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