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Authority Vs insanity

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I'm with you Bethsmummy. Been going to my local co-op for a good 10 years now but low and bwhold, a couple of weeks ago I nipped in for some cigs on my way to take my son to school. The woman behind the counter, who knows me and my husband and 2 children decided that it was time ask me for ID. I told her to stop being ridiculous and get me my fags! Thankfully she did but I was quite wazzed off with her. I'm 32.


Even more unbelievable than that, on our way back from Wakefield one night we called in at the total garage (It was about midnight) at Darnall and the guy behind the counter refused to serve my husband with cigs. He's 41!!!! The world has gone mad!


Spot on selphie, spot on. People who shouldnt have authority, given authority. Sometimes its just to see if they can cause a stir, They have a twinkle in their eye......

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It amazes me that anyone with a differing point of view is regarded as antagonistic on SF, all of a sudden they're trolling. Are we all supposed to be in agreement with one another because if so I missed that part. You were ID'd not shot. Whether we like it or not its the way it is, and its that way because of the way people are. We've developed a society that views litigation and compensation as a way of life for godsake, everyone's out to get someone or something.

Do you complain at passport control, what's the difference, it's proof.

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One store that I know always asks everyone for id. The reason given was 'the age discrimination laws, we are not allowed to discriminate on age so we must by law ask for proof of age'.


I left the items on the counter, walked out of the shop and went to the shop round the corner where I was served with no request for id or proof of age.


By the way, I am well over the age of 21 (well go on then 55) and bald, but I do look young for my age (about 54).

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29 isn't close to 18 or even that close to 25. If someone can't distinguish an average looking 29 year old as being over 18 then they need their eyes testing don't they?


Local supermarkets ID'ing everyone are exactly the problem, when the 50 year old gets refused a sale because they don't have ID it's just become stupid.

It hasn't happened to me yet, I must have had a hard paper round, but I'll be quite happy to walk out and leave a weeks worth of shopping sat on the belt for them to put away, it's the least they deserve for being stupid.

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I might almost be able convince myself that it is flattering to be asked for ID, but it is simply annoying that I am unable to buy a (rare) botte of wine as part of the normal family shopping if my teenage daughter is with me. Why should supermarkets treat me like a child on the sole gounds that I am a parent?

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I might almost be able convince myself that it is flattering to be asked for ID, but it is simply annoying that I am unable to buy a (rare) botte of wine as part of the normal family shopping if my teenage daughter is with me. Why should supermarkets treat me like a child on the sole gounds that I am a parent?


I went into the shop in summer with OH's cousin's girlfriend. I bought a 4 pack of lager, and she bought some crisps. Because she spoke to me, she had to show ID before they would serve me for alcohol, just because I was with her.

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I agree with asking people for ID if they look young but I go to Sainbury's every week (sometimes a few times a week) and last year I went in with my friend, got ID'd, which for once I didn't have on me, so my friend showed hers and they refused to serve us. She went in later on her own and they still refused to serve her. We are by the way 27!!! So it is becoming rediculous! I have also been in the shop once with my niece who is 12 and they refused to serve me because she is under age!!! So a parent can't go shopping and buy alcohol if they have a child with them??

I know that the authorities are cracking down on this but it's taking it to the extreme I think!

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