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Fitness Advice!!

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Well i have a gym memebership at siv and i havent used it for a good few months now and have become really lazy and unfit aswell as no motivation to go, i have started to diet and have done for a good month now.


I was wondering if anyone could pm me a good plan to take on for fat burning or if anyone could recommend any they used or know of.



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Shuttle running is a fast way to have an all over workout and can be done anywhere. For markings you could use a football pitch, try this....


Jog around the outside of the pitch to warm up, then stop when you get round to the goal.


Sprint from the goal line to the edge of the penaly box and come back, (don't stop), then sprint to the halfway line and sprint back, then sprint to the penalty box on the other side of the field and sprint back, then sprint to the other goal and sprint back.....have about a minute rest.....then repeat the thing again but in reverse (ie to the other goal and back, to the other penalty box and back etc...etc.....you get the idea?)


I reckon from start to finish you would complete this in under 5 minutes and it would work everything.

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...no motivation to go...


And there's your problem in a nutshell. Not just yours, but a whole lot of people's. (Probably most of us!) If you don't like the exercise, you won't do it unless you are really strong-willed.


I don't doubt that the suggested exercise of running on a football pitch would work, but if you can't push yourself to go to a nice warm gym the odds of seeing you splashing around a muddy pitch in the rain are probably pretty small!


What you need to do is find some form of exercise that you enjoy for its own sake. Then you don't need to push yourself, you look forward to the next time you get a chance to do it. Now for me that's medieval sword-fighting (http://www.knightsinbattle.com) and modern jive dancing (http://www.blitzjive.com), but only you can say what it might be for you.


Personally I always hated sport and forced activities in school, so I've never been to a gym since I left there. I got into my hobbies by other routes, and discovered that activities that are fun can also make me fit!


If you can't think of something active that you might enjoy, join something like Spice (http://www.spiceuk.com) and try out lots of things in 'taster sessions'. You can do something once without making any commitment, and when you find something that you enjoy you can take that up. It also has the social side (as do KIB and Blitz) so that you're doing fun things in company and getting to know friends, which all adds to the motivation.


Good luck,

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