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Why doesn't the west get rid of Robert Mugabe?

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but the land had to be redistributed. and, regardless of the messy way it was done, it's better that it was done than left as it was.


Realy? from 'Breadbasket of Africa' to 'Basket case of Africa' in one easy step.

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Realy? from 'Breadbasket of Africa' to 'Basket case of Africa' in one easy step.


like i said, it was done wrong but it needed to be done. i was 'lucky' enough to not want for anything when i was coming up, but even when we where the 'bread basket' of Africa things weren't much better for most. we exported food etc but all the money went to people with the farms. most people where subsistence farmers and still are.


the main effect has been a drop in exports and the upheaval that came with the mess that was the redistribution, but the amount of food on the 'masses' plates hasn't changed much. just that paper money don't get you much. but most people never had that anyway.


AIDS is more to blame for much of the suffering, including child hunger and poverty than the redistribution. please note that i'm not saying the redistribution plays no part.

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the main effect has been a drop in exports and the upheaval that came with the mess that was the redistribution, but the amount of food on the 'masses' plates hasn't changed much. just that paper money don't get you much. but most people never had that anyway.


And the drop in exports means no money for sick and suffering, the hopspitals dispensarys are virtualy empty of drugs, medication and medicines you can only blame one man for that.

I send via 'Teeny' (a forum member) surpluss medication to Zimbabwe.

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i don't know very much about robert mugabe but he doesn't sound like the nasty man that he is sometimes described as. he has tried to help his people especially the black farmers who he has helped to sustain their businesses.if robert was so bad how come the people still want him in power?.

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And the drop in exports means no money for sick and suffering, the hopspitals dispensarys are virtualy empty of drugs, medication and medicines you can only blame one man for that.

I send via 'Teeny' (a forum member) surpluss medication to Zimbabwe.


I send via 'Teeny' (a forum member) surpluss medication to Zimbabwe.

me and mine thank you for that.


And the drop in exports means no money for sick and suffering, the hopspitals dispensarys are virtualy empty of drugs, medication and medicines you can only blame one man for that.


yes, the drop in exports hurt us as it would any country. i'm not saying that the regime did things right. god knows they messed up. they had some money, from the Lancaster agreement, to sort out the redistribution. the piggy was empty so when 1990, when it was supposed to be done, came nothing happened. it was only when other things started going wrong for them that they rushed and messed everything up.

yes, it was done wrong. but no amount of exports and medication could disguise the fact that the majority was hungry when most of the farmland was used on coffee, tobacco, timber, flowers etc and even then by no more than 4000 or so really big, almost exclusively, white farmers.


as for blaming one man. sorry, you're wrong there- the old colonial powers, the other dictators in the countries around him, the other governments that turned a blind eye to his murderous rampages back in the 80s coz 'all was well' and even made him a lord i think it is are to blame too. but, like i said, us, the people of Zimbabwe have to take most of the blame.

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i don't know very much about robert mugabe but he doesn't sound like the nasty man that he is sometimes described as. he has tried to help his people especially the black farmers who he has helped to sustain their businesses.if robert was so bad how come the people still want him in power?.


he's bad, i'd say. it goes back to the war. he he hadn't assassinated the guy that was suppose to have taken power he'd have become a junior minister at best. but he's ambitious, you got to give him that.


he has done far more harm, far more, than good. there's no doubt about that.


the majority of people don't want him in power. but that majority can't agree who should take over. and the ones that rise up to the challenge die mysteriously or are discredited by the CIO... the list is endless, but his main strength comes from the fact there are still so many alive that went through the horror of colonization and anyone who seems too pally with outsiders doesn't stand a chance. those are the ones still ready to kill, harass etc for him. those are the ones who have kept him in for so long.


but, to be honest, the worst thing that can happen right now is for him to die or stand down. we need him for another few years i think, till someone rises among the players with enough support to avoid all out infighting and ultimately civil war or military rule-which is where we're likely headed.

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as for blaming one man. sorry, you're wrong there- the old colonial powers, the other dictators in the countries around him, the other governments that turned a blind eye to his murderous rampages back in the 80s coz 'all was well' and even made him a lord i think it is are to blame too. but, like i said, us, the people of Zimbabwe have to take most of the blame.

As I said earlier it was the surrounding countrys who vetoed any action agagisnt him.

Wonder why:suspect:

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To return to the original question, why should the west get rid of Robert Mugabe? I can't think of any good reason.


It's not our job to sort out every screwed up country in the world.


yes it is true that we can't sort everyones problems out. we have enough on dealing with libya at the moment. i haven't heard much about mugabe and zimbabwe recently so i guess everyone is happy over there.

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....i haven't heard much about mugabe and zimbabwe recently so i guess everyone is happy over there.


Why yes. Of course they are. The grinding poverty, oppression, insane economic crisis and lack of clean water are no longer a newsworthy issue. They be just a bunch of happy smiling negroes in a sunny country.


Damn you and your ignorance.

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