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Garden Birds Watching

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We are quite keen bird watchers in our garden...and for the last week or two, we have seen great tits going in and out of one of the bird boxes....they seem to stay in there for quite a while at a time..

Surely they can't be thinking of laying eggs and nesting at this time of year?


There a good chance that the boxes are full of insects escaping from the cold.


A sort of bird restaurant :)

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Woodpeckers are regular visitors, as are a couple of nuthatches, along with great tits, bluetits, coal tits, sparrows, blackbirds, magpies, pigeons, collared doves...goldfinches,

A **** pheasant used to be a regular visitor, and I trained it to hop on to the patio, hop up on to a wall, then a bird table, and it would eat out of my hand. I was convinced it was my Dad in his next life!

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