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Do you think there should be a cut off age for going to gigs and festivals

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As the title says...Personally I love live music, but are gigs and festivals and stuff just for young people ? I guess the things I've been to have mixed age groups, and when I was about 18 or so, we used to look at oldies as we thought they were then, and wonder what they were doing there.The trouble with that was these oldies were probably only about 35 !


Well, as many of the really big bands have members in their 50 and 60 I'm not sure that there is any point at all. I wouldn't be at all surprised if some of the headliners at Glostobury don't bring their grand kids. But I do agree there should be an age cut off. I hate it when babies are screaming all night in the next tent.

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But why are you too old VResistance? I was 40 last week and I still go to gigs and festivals. I've not been to many this year due to funds and circumstances, but last year I went to around 30 and the year before, 72!


I must admit, the last Leeds festival I went to nearly killed me but that was more to do with the fact I stayed up drinking and dancing until 6:30 and had a mile and a half hike to my car *back and forth twice with heavy bags* the following morning as I'd had to park in red car park miles away from my tent with the others in brown. By the time I'd packed up the car, I was cream crackered and found the rest of the Sunday a bit hard to fully enjoy and so left before Kings of Leon. But I think I would have been shattered at 20!


Just remember a stand up gig at Plug is not going to be the same at all as a sit down gig at the Arena and a festival is not the same as seeing someone at the Leadmill (still my favourite venue of choice)


Although KTHFB and I went to see Mark Morriss (Bluetones singer) recently at the Cockpit. We arrived there and the doorstaff couldn't find us on the list. Meanwhile we'd been commenting that Mark's audience had got really young since Scott Pilgrim. We were only trying to get into some Dubstep night. Mark was on at Cockpit 3.


That is certainly one thing, as I get older I seem to find the amount of stuff I have to take to a festvial increases tenfold! Gone are the days I could turn up with just a tenner and a spare jumper!

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How are you going to enforce this cut off age? And why do you want it?


No, you misunderstand, I don't want a cut off point as I'm quite fond of my live music stuff.It wouldn't be something that would be 'Enforced' I just mean like an embarassment factor..Where perhaps people would think you didn't have a right to be there cos you were too old as kids often think that music belongs to them..I know I did at a young age !

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Well I've just booked my first Old biddies festival.





The Bluetones, Dodgy, Reef, Chris Helme from the Seahorses, Republica, to name but a few - we are going to party like it's 1997! :hihi:


Too skint for Leeds this year, various festival going mates going with partners to different ones (I can never do Glasto because of the timing but only a few mates going this year) so day to day ones for me and this one for the camping :)


Actually really looking forward to it and until Wed 6th it's a steal at £25! Then the price goes up to £48.


Plus the other bit I'm looking forward to? Less walking from the campsite to the venue and back! lol!

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