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I will NOT be filling in my Census!!

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theres a good boy, no go get yourself a lolly


Ever thought of behaving like an adult, there is nothing on census form that could be remotely classed as confidential, for example the government already know where you work if you are paying taxes or even if you are unemployed - what part have you not imparted to one agency or another voluntarily? - you seem to be paranoid

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There is nothing on the census form that one governmental agency or another doesn't already know.


So the question really is, what's the point?


It's a very good question, and the answer is, there is no point!


Still, most people fill it in because they are told to and are afraid of weak threats of being fined. This is how most dictatorships begin.:)

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religious views, what heating you have, how many people sleep at home, and thats just off the top of my head, never seen a loan application that askes these questions!!!


Religious views - what's there to hide>


Heating - what's the problem with knowing whether your house has gas?


How many people sleep at home - insurance companies ask this, and surely it just helps with planning for local services

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I imagine if you don't feel any intrinsic objection (i.e. don't feel it's wrong that you're being compelled to complete the form), then by all means, fill it in. Sheep don't come in to it!!.


If you do feel it's something that the goverment shouldn't be demanding from you, and you can't in all good conscience fill in the form; then I guess it comes down to what you place more value on, convenience or integrity? (i.e. you resent having to fill in the form, but do so anyway, in response to fear of goverment threats; OR; you stand by what you inwardly feel is right and correct, no matter what the conscequences).

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Since 'Big Brother' spoon feeds you it's only fair you should help him do so with the census. The only people refusing to fill them in are crank weirdo's zzz.


I agree - we all want things form the government, or society, or call it what you want. So what is the problem providing a bit of information about your lifestyle>

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