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I will NOT be filling in my Census!!

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I filled out my census form, but I didn't give them any information on my skin colour and didn't answer the questions on that. I think it's a bit of a cheek even asking and I hope government policy is never determined by peoples skin colour.


It's the kind of information that would be a racist government's wet dream.

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My feeling is that it's more widespread than just a few consiracy types. Would be interesting to do a quick poll though, for vs against, kinda thing. I wonder if we could have one on here?




I guess different people have different objections, and I can only speak for myself.


For me, the core issue, is that the goverment is holding a gun to my head (threat of fine), and demanding that I provide information. My conscience, and my heart and gut, tell me it ought not to being that. It's intrusive, and menacing, and I do not believe *our* govenment should be acting in this way.


So essentially, it's demanding, that I do something, that I feel is wrong. It doesn't matter so much, exactly why I feel it's wrong, it's enough for me that I do feel that way. As such, I cannot at the same time, comply with their demands, and, act in acordance with my conscience. So, I feel some kind of resistance is called for.


The matter (for me) is futher complicated, by the fact that other people are in my household, who may not feel as I do. I'm not making any kind of demands that other people take the same position as I do (to do so would be wrong). It complicates the issue of do I send the form back, or not...


It is not intrusive or menacing. You sound like a student on his tenth joint, can in hand talking about how "we're all in the matrix man". Absolutely hilarious. The state can find out anything it wants about you personally if it wants to damage you but guess what? This is so HMG can plan ahead and has an idea of what society looks like. You were educated by the state and have your health provided by the state as well as the rest. Get a grip.

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I filled out my census form, but I didn't give them any information on my skin colour and didn't answer the questions on that. I think it's a bit of a cheek even asking and I hope government policy is never determined by peoples skin colour.


It's the kind of information that would be a racist government's wet dream.


Are you serious!?!


Different questions are asked for different reasons, one of the main purposes of the census is to get information on population and who make up that population, when you see figures like how many people live in Sheffield, or how many people stay in education past 16 it all comes from this, so asking your race is just part of this, it all helps and it's important stuff to know because somewhere, someday, it'll make a difference to you.


For a family of 5 it took 15 minutes to fill in and had a couple of weeks to do it, is it really that much effort to take part in a mandatory government scheme that shapes what happens in your area?

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All this talk of being fined £1000 if you don't fill in your Census! What a load of bunkum. I will not be threatened, all they needed to do was to ask politely. Now I have decided that they will have to pay me £1000 if they want my info. Let's see how far we both get. :mad:


Oh right, what are you trying to hide?

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Originally Posted by dosxuk

Central heating types are a good thing to measure as they have a significant affect on the nations' energy requirements. They also used to be a good measure of wealth, although as they have become almost unbiqutous in the last 25 years, probably not as much now.


They are very unbiqutous-is that Latin for double meaning?


Both of you spelled ubiquitous incorrectly.

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I will be filing it in despite thinking it is a waste of money, now if they included questions about some very important policies which wouldn’t have cost any extra to include then I would have thought its money well spent.


What questions would you have included knowing that they have to be answered?


I would have included questions on.


Electoral reform. Should we change to AV, proportion representation ect.?

Immigration. Should we stop Immigration or cut it back to a much lower level?

Overseas aid. Should we stop or cut back on overseas aid?

Should education at university be free?

Do we want nuclear power?


Let the people decide on the important policies and leave it to government to implement them.

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having read all these posts I'm no more clued up as to why you would be against filling in the form. You all sound like teenagers arguing with your mum about the right to have a messy bedroom

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