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I will NOT be filling in my Census!!

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Because when there is no obvious carrot there has to be a stick. It's that simple.


Maybe the carrot has to be a little more obvious before you start beating someone with a stick?



Regardless of what people think this isn't a democracy. There is someone at the top and they tell you what to do, whether it be our lords and masters(after all we are Royal subjects) or the Government.


And you think bending over and being rogered is the answer? I would say that's a little apathetic, wouldn't you?

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Since some racial groups are more susceptible to certain illness, it doesn't seem at all inappropriate to ask for racial information.


No. Their doctor can do that much better and look out for certain illnesses amongst the different races. And just because immigrants from the Indian sub-continent have higher rates of heart disease than the rest of us, doesn't mean we shouldn't all be examined properly by our doctors. I know there are certain diseases that affect only one race, sickle cell anaemia amongst black Africans being the classic example, but anyone black will know about this as will any doctor. They're going to get the treatment they need regardless of the census.


Indeed, for services to cater for the differences that race brings to the table, they need to know about the races of the people they intend to provide services for.


Sorry I failed to understand that sentence. It appears to be a circular argument.

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And you think bending over and being rogered is the answer? I would say that's a little apathetic, wouldn't you?



No - because i can't honestly find justification for not putting forward details as they represent me and my family. I have disclosed less personal information to a powerless data collection agency than most people disclose daily on here - for all the world to see,

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What sort of carrot would you suggest for those that willfully refuse to fill in the form?


Well, not getting a beating with a stick if you don't eat the carrot as a threat would be a start.


No - because i can't honestly find justification for not putting forward details as they represent me and my family. I have disclosed less personal information to a powerless data collection agency than most people disclose daily on here - for all the world to see,


Maybe that's why you get rogered every day through your apathy.

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Maybe the carrot has to be a little more obvious before you start beating someone with a stick?




And you think bending over and being rogered is the answer? I would say that's a little apathetic, wouldn't you?


Maybe it should but is it too much to expect an adult to understand that the NHS, schools etc are provided on the basis of information from the census?


There's nothing wrong with a good rogering.

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No. Their doctor can do that much better and look out for certain illnesses amongst the different races. And just because immigrants from the Indian sub-continent have higher rates of heart disease than the rest of us, doesn't mean we shouldn't all be examined properly by our doctors. I know there are certain diseases that affect only one race, sickle cell anaemia amongst black Africans being the classic example, but anyone black will know about this as will any doctor.


I provided one example of why racial information may be helpful in the census after you claimed it wasn't required, I'm sure there are many other good and valid reasons why it is sensible to ask questions regarding race.


They're going to get the treatment they need regardless of the census.


They may well do, but not necessarily in in their local area. Something that might be avoided by accurate census data.


Sorry I failed to understand that sentence.


That's because you're willfully choosing to do so.


It appears to be a circular argument.


It isn't in any way.

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The carrot in this case is the knowledge that the information provided by the census goes towards allowing the Government to plan for the future and directly affects the provision of services to you.


If you chose to ignore that carrot, stop complaining about the lack of carrot. Tip for 2021 Census planners, include a prize draw for a Tesco's trolley dash and a iPod. It's amazing the detail of information (far beyond what the Census asks) people will happily volunteer if you offer them a bit of Apple's latest hardware...

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