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I will NOT be filling in my Census!!

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I assume there's justification for your rudeness, is it because you've filled in the form and can't admit to it.


To be honest I've never filled in one and I don't intend to..but it's a choice.


I'm amazed at your shock/horror at a fleeting comment which was a generalisation based on your previous post:......



Because as a country we are apathetic. We don't vote, we don't go to church yet we bitch and moan about the Government and other religions(in general).

The majority of people can't be bothered so some simple encouragement is required.


Regardless of what people think this isn't a democracy. There is someone at the top and they tell you what to do, whether it be our lords and masters(after all we are Royal subjects) or the Government.


...which seemed full of apathy. You'll be advocating 30 lashes for not voting next, or nailed to a cross for missing communion.


Your right we are not democratic, we are not free. The reason being is because of your input above..but please you go on signing your little bits of very important bits of paper..that's your choice. Mine is mine.

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To be honest I've never filled in one and I don't intend to..but it's a choice.


I'm amazed at your shock/horror at a fleeting comment which was a generalisation based on your previous post:......



Because as a country we are apathetic. We don't vote, we don't go to church yet we bitch and moan about the Government and other religions(in general).

The majority of people can't be bothered so some simple encouragement is required.


Regardless of what people think this isn't a democracy. There is someone at the top and they tell you what to do, whether it be our lords and masters(after all we are Royal subjects) or the Government.


...which seemed full of apathy. You'll be advocating 30 lashes for not voting next, or nailed to a cross for missing communion.


Your right we are not democratic, we are not free. The reason being is because of your input above..but please you go on signing your little bits of very important bits of paper..that's your choice. Mine is mine.


And how effective is the fine which I take it you're not worried about?

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What a disappointment for future generations when the 2011 census documents are finally released in 2111 ... how very boring, non-information to the extreme as usual.


what's your name? where do you live? who else lives there? what do you do for a living and for how many hours? how's your general health? what's your marital status? what colour and culture are you? what's your religion of choice? what's all the fuss about? :rolleyes:


Although it's really all a waste of time because, at a rough guess, most of the people we really want to know about, the ones who don't really 'exist' and by their very non-existence are skewing all the statistics, won't be completing the form anyway.

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This kinda reminds me of those download forms on the web. Where you download some file, but they're asking for an email before you get the download. Wonder how many of those emails are genuine?


Not many. I know, because I've run websites myself, that require an email before you get the download (and the number of bogus emails makes the whole thing pretty much redundant).


In contrast, permission marketing; where it's optional and you're not forcing anything on people; gets a much better response. If they did that with the census; make it optional; and make it clear what the benefits are for completing it; I wonder how many more people would willingly return the form.

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