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I will NOT be filling in my Census!!

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A bank account is different, you are asking them for something. a contract.

Being told you must do this or else! is not the same.

My 'childish' behaviour only appears that way because it does not go along with what is wanted.

It appears pointlessly difficult, contrary for the sake of it?

But the point is I do not want to, so why should I ?

Why is your 'want' any more deserving, why should what someone else wants me to do take precedence over what I want ?

if I simply agreed, like most children do. Then would you call that childish?


The census was not designed to help us in the long run It was designed to help royalty gain more of what 'their' subjects had ie to tax, in a world where slavery and fuedalism still reigned.


Also as said many times over now, the info given in the census is not new, so why bother?


The vast majority e.g. millions fill it in, you are in a minority and a miniscule minority of people when it comes to filling it for reasons of 'principle'. That is why you should fill it in. We are in a society, not a series of individualistic islands. You seem to think you know better than the millions. Is this because you are wise and they are all inferior simpletons?


And I'll echo the others and say I don't hold you in the same regard as manstrad or scux the first being a manchild and the other being a wally trying very hard to look clever. I'm sure I'd agree with you on other things. For example when I my union was on strike I organised pickets. By law there are only 6 allowed. We had about 50 people stood by the gates and sod the law because we represented the majority. In a democracy the majority is all that matters. That's why I don't like what I see as infantile individualism.

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A bank account is different, you are asking them for something. a contract.

Being told you must do this or else! is not the same.

My 'childish' behaviour only appears that way because it does not go along with what is wanted.

It appears pointlessly difficult, contrary for the sake of it?

But the point is I do not want to, so why should I ?

Why is your 'want' any more deserving, why should what someone else wants me to do take precedence over what I want ?

if I simply agreed, like most children do. Then would you call that childish?


The census was not designed to help us in the long run It was designed to help royalty gain more of what 'their' subjects had ie to tax, in a world where slavery and fuedalism still reigned.


Also as said many times over now, the info given in the census is not new, so why bother?


Were not in feudal times, slavery was abolished years ago, if you look into the purpose of the census, it helps the government allocate community funds, schools etc.

Your argument seems to centre around 'why bother' as they have all this information. But the point is we have a data protection act, by filling out the census you are giving permission to use data for government purposes.


Seen as we already give all this information for taxes, banking and finanical, virtually any service you can think of, I see no reason why you would refuse to fill in a form other than sheer stubborness or childishness.


For me, they are the wrong reasons. You are doing a disservice to the community you live in and take from.

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The vast majority e.g. millions fill it in, you are in a minority and a miniscule minority of people when it comes to filling it for reasons of 'principle'. That is why you should fill it in. We are in a society, not a series of individualistic islands. You seem to think you know better than the millions. Is this because you are wise and they are all inferior simpletons?


And I'll echo the others and say I don't hold you in the same regard as manstrad or scux the first being a manchild and the other being a wally trying very hard to look clever. I'm sure I'd agree with you on other things. For example when I my union was on strike I organised pickets. By law there are only 6 allowed. We had about 50 people stood by the gates and sod the law because we represented the majority. In a democracy the majority is all that matters. That's why I don't like what I see as infantile individualism.


Yep, totally agreed that its miss-placed 'principles', its such a feeble argument.


As much as people like to feel they are 'individualistic' and able to make choices about what they will and wont do, when you live in a country you are bound by certain protocols of government, which you democratically agreed to in the first place!

Otherwise go and live on a dessert island and see how you get on.


I say fine the lot of them a grand, which we can put to good use.

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Plan future energy supply requirements?


That's now in the hands of private companies though. So future energy planning is down to those companies.


Do you show the same belligerence when opening a bank account?


Are you threatened with a fine if you don't have/need/want/open a bank account?

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That's now in the hands of private companies though. So future energy planning is down to those companies.


Energy planning is still part of the Government's activities. If one of the private energy companies wants to build a new power station, they have to convince the Government that it's needed, they can't just go ahead. Likewise things like gas import treaties are decided at a national rather than company level.


Finally, guess where the private energy companies get their information on what central heating people use comes from? Oh, yeah, that would be the census (as well as other less reliable sources).

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Only after 100 years.


Nope, it's only the personal details which get released after 100 years. Anonymised and collated data is available for statistical analysis by virtually anyone with a valid reason, including private businesses, as soon as the data has been processed.


While they can't find out what type of central heating you have, they will be able to find out what percentage of people in your part of Sheffield have electric heating as opposed to gas.

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Energy planning is still part of the Government's activities. If one of the private energy companies wants to build a new power station, they have to convince the Government that it's needed, they can't just go ahead. Likewise things like gas import treaties are decided at a national rather than company level.


Finally, guess where the private energy companies get their information on what central heating people use comes from? Oh, yeah, that would be the census (as well as other less reliable sources).


Or gas/electric consumption through your bills. A census taken 9yrs ago isn't going reflect what the consumption is today. Your bill might though considering the 'now' factor.

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