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I will NOT be filling in my Census!!

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The central heating of houses. Sigh. You know the environment is a governmental concern as are methods of heating and energy usage. You seem to have very binary thinking. You can't see a reason despite it being obvious to me therefore it is a ridiculous question.



there are no stupid questions just stupid answers.

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You're dancing on the head of a pin now. If you were in court for speeding and that was your defence then you'd have no chance.


Quite wrong indeed.

the legal system is about words and how to wield them, if I caused any damage I'd have no defense that is where I'd stand up and take responsibility for my actions.

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So basically (correct me if I'm wrong) your refusing to do it, because of what they say they'll do if you refuse to do it :|:loopy:


yes. its called freedom. the choice to choose not to. must be had as otherwise you are known as chattel aka property.

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Which it is, and I think the other guy has realised this. A law is a bad word in this case because 'law' covers a wide range of things. It's a statute law, I'm new to all this and he probably is too so it was just that we hadn't looked into it to the point that there was a difference and they're all still laws, just different types of laws.


I really don't want to debate with you anyway, you just don't answer questions, don't read stuff, and randomly come out with garbage. At least I get a bit of sense out of SCCSUX and he and a few others seem like normal decent blokes that I disagree with on a matter, but your just bonkers mate.


nah sorry, I'm not new to this and will correct with you till the end of time on that point.


They are not different types of laws.

They are different types of rules.

One is a law that is inescapable and rightly so

-known as; 'the law of the land', 'common law' 'natural law' and at a push 'case law'.


The other is a rule known as; statutes, acts, legislation that a society consents to.

Please note the word 'consent'

This means you can choose NOT to consent.


As for man of strad, don't dismiss him out of hand, I think you might just be misunderstanding his unique sense of humour.

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No we're not, we're discussing the real reason for my non-compliance.


You have no real reason! I've told you already you don't impress us. You refuse to comply in order to look clever. I often confuse clever people with stroppy kidults.

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Yet you've stated that the threat of financial penalty for non-compliance is needed as "encouragement". That sounds pretty like "fill it in or get fined", which has been my main bone of contention and the reason (well, the main one) why I will not fill it in.


You man you zzz.

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Did mr prime tell his neighbour that he had filled in his census because he was afraid of being fined? Of course he didn't as this would make him appear weak.


Mr Prime filled in the census because he is not scared of the government. Crazy concept I know.

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