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I will NOT be filling in my Census!!

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One way that the government could get everyone to fill out the forms is to declare that anyone who doesn't will be knocked off the welfare and dole lists.


Quite reasonable really since if you dont submit the form then you dont exist anymore


Except this is an exercise in data collection, not an exercise in finding who is where, when and doing what. If the purpose was for tracking individuals then they would require your NI number (or other unique identifier which matches up with other official records).

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Oh, manofstrad - what's your thoughts on fines for not filling in your tax return? Or for being caught not wearing a seatbelt? Or for not putting rubbish in a bin? Or for not paying your council tax on time?


All things you're asked to do with the threat of a fine as punishment if you don't comply.

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Oh, manofstrad - what's your thoughts on fines for not filling in your tax return? Or for being caught not wearing a seatbelt? Or for not putting rubbish in a bin? Or for not paying your council tax on time?


All things you're asked to do with the threat of a fine as punishment if you don't comply.


I don't have a problem with them, in fact the council tax non-payment penalty should be raised IMO.

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I don't have a problem with them, in fact the council tax non-payment penalty should be raised IMO.


What's different about the census then.


With those examples they are all threats that if you don't do something you will be fined or even jailed.


You've said things like people who crumble to threats by the government are fools, and that the threats are bad manners so you simply ignore them.

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Ha! This thread is ridiculously laughable.


manofstrad - are you the sort of person who stole penny sweets when you were 12 and then went bragging to your mates? Not filling in a census form, seesh, whats next - murder?


I bet you go to bed with a tin foil hat on so the government can't steal your thoughts.


:hihi: The government don't steal your thoughts, you give them up voluntarily, if you don't you get a fine.;)

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One way that the government could get everyone to fill out the forms is to declare that anyone who doesn't will be knocked off the welfare and dole lists.


Quite reasonable really since if you dont submit the form then you dont exist anymore


That would make everyone on benefits think twice, but not everyone is on benefits.

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No, you give up information about your house and who lives in it. Not your thoughts, get real.


Why are you still here? Anyway, that's none of my business :)


I am not aware of anyone who can give out information without using their mind or the power of thought, are you? (yourself not included)

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